Page 265 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 265

                              PORTAGE    DU  FORT,
      A  VILLAGE  situated  on the Ottawa River,  in the Township  of Litchfield,  County  of Ottawa, C.  E.
      distant  from  Bytown, 61 miles—usual steamboat  and stage fare,  16s. 3d.  Population  about 250.
                     ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OP PROFESSIONS,  TRADES,  &c.
       Atkinson, Henry,  millowner.       Heath, E.,  lumber  merchant.
      Belanger, A.,  cooper.              Hilliard, M., lumber  merchant.
      Bouvier, Rev. Joseph, Roman  Catholic.  How, Owen,  axemaker.
       Brace, T.  M., lumber  merchant.   Julien, Joseph,  innkeeper.
      Colvin,  George,  carriagemaker.    McLaren  & White, general store.
       Cotton, Hiram, lumber  merchant.   McLaren,  D. F.,  postmaster.
      Drew, M. M.  & Co., general store.  Maxwell, James E.,  schoolteacher.
       Force, P., lumber  merchant.       Prout,  Margaret,  innkeeper.
       Fox, P., agent  St. Lawrence  Insurance Company.  Purvis, A., physician  and  surgeon.
       Gordon, John,  mason.              Quinn, John D., tailor.
                               PORT   BURWELL,
      A  VILLAGE  situated  at  the mouth  of Otter  Creek  on Lake Erie,  in the Township  of  Bay ham,  County
      of Middlesex,  C. W.—distant  from  Toronto,  137 miles—from London, 45 miles—from  Vienna,  3 miles.
       Population  about 300.
                     ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OP  PROFESSIONS,  TRADES,  &c.
       Bellairs, J. P.,  collector of customs and lighthouse  McAth, James, general store.
        keeper.                           Pielcher, J.,  cabinetmaker.
       Burwell, L., postmaster  and  forwarder.  Read, Rev. F.  B., Church  of England.
       Farthing, James, storekeeper  and  butcher.  Richardson k  Co.,general store & steam saw mills.
       Hutchinson, W.  C,  innkeeper.     Scott,  Anne, general store.
       Jones & Son, steam  saw mills.     Walington, B., cabinetmaker.
                               PORT   COLBORNE,
       A  VILLAGE situated  on  the  shore  of  Lake Erie,  at  the outlet  of the  Weiland Canal, in the  Township
      of Humberstone, County  of Weiland,  C. W.—distant  from  Toronto, 108  miles—distant  from  Buffalo,
       U. S.,  20  miles—usual  steamboat  fare, 3s. 9d.
                     ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OP  PROFESSIONS,  TRADES,  &c.
      FORTIER,  JAMES,  postmaster.
      Cartier, L.  G.,  general store.    McChesney, John,  carpenter.
      Caiton, William,  shoemaker.        McGillory, John,  locktender  on canal.
      Fortier,  C. G., steamboat owner  and  captain.  Manley, J.,  grocer.
      Greenwood, J.,  butcher.            Park,  Thomas, collector  of  customs.
      Gordon, John,  innkeeper.           Rea, John,  blacksmith.
      Hall, Valentine, custom-house  officer.  Robinson, W.  B., innkeeper.
      Hanley, John,  innkeeper.           Schofield,  Thomas, grocer and  baker.
      Me Caw, John,  shoemaker.
                                 PORT   CREDIT,
      A  VILLAGE  situated  on  the  River  Credit,  at  its  junction  with  Lake  Ontario,  in  the Township of
      Toronto, County  of  York,  C.  W.—-distant  from  Toronto,  15  miles—usual  steamboat  fare, Is. 3d.-—
      usual stage fare, Is.  101d,  Population about 250.
      Armstrong, G. W.,  innkeeper.       Neeson, H., carpenter.
      Colton, R.,  postmaster,  general  merchant  and  Romain, P. Z., merchant.
        ship yard.                        Shaw, James  R.,  blacksmith.
      Edwards, Isaac, blacksmith.         Thompson,  Mrs., school  teacher.
      Ellis,  C. R.,  school  teacher.    Travis, James,  blacksmith.
      Giles, Thomas,  carpenter.          Trotter,  ThomasJ  carpenter.
      McLaughlin, J.,  shoemaker.         Upton, Frederick,  wharfinger.
      Neeson, H.,  innkeeper.
                             PORT   DALHOUSIE,
      A  VILLAGE  situated at the entrance  of  the Weiland Canal,  in  the  Township of Grantham, County of
      Lincoln, C. W.—distant  from  St. Catharines, 5 miles—usual stage fare, Is. 3d.—distant  from  Hamilton,
      36 miles—usual steamboat fare,  3s. 9d.
      CLARK,  JOHN  S., collector  of Weiland  canal tolls.
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