Page 261 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 261
Cluxton, William, general store, George st. McDonald, Duncan, blacksmith, George st
Crothers, David, blacksmith, George st. McGregor, William, carpenter and builder, Scotch
Curry, William, dry goods, George st. village.
Davey, John, baker and grocer, George st. McGregor, L., shingle factory, River side.
Davis, John, mason and bricklayer, Simcoe st. McNab, Dr. John, Hunter st.
Dickson, Samuel, saw mill, River side. McNeil, Alexander, storekeeper, George st.
Dunsford, George, barrister and attorney at law, Marshall, Christopher, baker, George st.
Water st. Malcolm, William, iron foundry and carriage-
Edwards, James, storekeeper, Hunter st. maker, Simcoe st.
English, John, machinist and smith, Charlotte st. Marshall, R. L., shingle factory, River side.
Fleming, Robert, dry goods, George st. Might, John, saddler and harnessmaker, George st.
Gilmour, Rev. J., Baptist. Miller, Mrs., grocer, George st.
Green, Benjamin, storekeeper, Water st. Mowry, John, iron foundry and machine shop.
Hagart, John, tailor, Hunter st. Scotch village.
Hall, John, grist and saw mills, River side. Moffat, John, grist and saw mill, 1 mile north of
Hall, William, saddler, George st. town.
Haney, James, iron foundry and machine shop, Neimeier, Dr. George, Simcoe st.
Scotch village. Nesbitt, E. J., saddler and harnessmaker, Hun-
Hartley, Samuel, mason and bricklayer, South ter st.
Town hill. O'Beirne, Ivan, barrister, Water st.
Hamilton, James, foundry, George st. Palmer, R. D., hotelkeeper, George st.
Hay, Dr. Thomas, Brock st. Patterson, James R., bookseller and stationer,
Heard, John, mason and bricklayer, Brock st. George st.
Henthorn, James T., baker, George st. Peek, Arthur, brewer, Scotch village.
Hogan, Michael, innkeeper, George st. Poole, Thomas, cabinetmaker, George st.
Hopkins, Daniel, plasterer, Water st. Reid, John, land surveyor, Hunter st.
Hope & Sanderson, planing and saw mills, Ridley, R., storekeeper and druggist, George st.
George st. Roberts, Rev. E., Baptist.
Howard, Rev. Isaac B., Wesleyan. Roe, William, carpenter and builder, George st.
Hudson, Charles, storekeeper, Hunter st. Roger, Rev. J. M., Free Church.
Hunter, Robert W., grocer, George st. Russell, Thomas, shoemaker, Water st.
Hurley, Rev. Robert, Bible Christian. Rogers, R. D., miller and grocer, Scotch village.
Hurley, James, cabinetmaker, George t Roy, John, tannery, George st.
Hutchinson, Thomas, blacKsmith. Ryan, Patrick, tannery, George st.
Jenkins, George, tailor, George st. •Shaw, Joseph, tailor, George st.
Johnson, Hugh, farrier, Hunter st. Spalding, Clark, brewer and distiller, George st.
Johnson, William, tailor, Water st. Stalker, Joseph, shoemaker, Water st.
Keele & Wright, boot and shoemakers, George st. Stevenson, James, tin and copper smith, George st.
Kelly, Thomas, grocer, George st. Stinson, Robert, shoe store, George st.
Kempt, A. W., druggist, George st. Sperry, , rakemaker, 1 mile from town.
Kennedy, John, painter and glazier, Water st. Tanner, Robert, boot and shoemaker.
Kingdon, William, cooper, Simcoe st. Tasker, William, shoemaker, Scotch village.
Leach, William, blacksmith, Scotch village. Taylor, Rev. R. J. C , M. A., Church of England.
Lannin & Finley, shoe store, George st. Taylor, D., carpenter and builder, Scotch village.
Law, Alexander, chemist and druggist, George st. Towns, Robert, woollen factory, South Town.
Lathrop, , shingle factory, River side. Thompson, Robert, general store, George st.
Leonard, Thomas, shoemaker, George st. Waddell, Robert, carriagemaker and blacksmith,
Lundy, William, grocer, George st. George st.
Lundy, William, distiller and grocer, George st. Walton, R., saddler and harnessmaker, George st.
McBurney, William, saddler and harnessmaker, Wortzer, Napoleon, carding and fulling mills,
George st. Peterboro' East.
McDonald, John, tailor, Scotch village.
A small VILLAGE situated in the Township ofWilmot, County of Waterloo, C. W.—distant from
Berlin, 6 miles. Population about 80.
Ernst, John, general store and postmaster. | Wilker, Peter, blacksmith.
And 2 innkeepers, 1 tanner, 2 shoemakers, and 1 tailor.
A VILLAGE situated in the Seigniory of St. Armand, County of Missisquoi, C. E., on the shore of
Missisquoi Bay—it is a port of entry, and for some ^purposes a warehousing port—distant from St.
Johns, 22 miles, from Highgate, Vermont, 8 miles.
EATON, J. W., dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, &c, and commission agent, and
at Pigeon Hill, St. Armands West.