Page 260 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 260
Bank of Montreal, Robert Nicholls, agent.
Canada Life Assurance Company, Charles Rubidge, agent.
Colonial Life Assurance Company, Robert Nicholls, agent.
National Loan Fund, Life and Equitable Fire Assurance Companies of London, W . H.
Wrighton, agent, Court-house.
Provincial Mutual Fire Assurance Company, James Hall, agent, Hunter st.
Mutual Fire Assurance Company, Newcastle district, Robert Nicholls, agent.
ALBRO, JOHN F., dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery, & c , and country
produce, George st.
BETHUNE, ALEXANDER, dealer in groceries, crockery, glass and country produce,
George st.
BRADBURN, THOMAS, dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery, &c., George st.
BURNHAM, ELIAS, barrister and attorney at law, George st.
BUTLER, R E V . JOHN, Roman Catholic.
CONGER, W . S., sheriff of the county, George st.
COULTER, WILLIAM, chemist and druggist, George st.—paints, oils, dye stuffs, per-
fumery, books, stationery, & c , for sale on moderate terms.
CRESWELL, WILLIAM, Victoria inn, Hunter st.—travellers or permanent boarders will
find good accommodations and moderate charges; good yard and stabling attached
to the premises.
DENNISTOUN, ROBERT, barrister and attorney at law, master extraordinary in chancery,
and notary public, Market square.
EASTLAND, WILLIAM, dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery and produce,
George st.
EDMISON, HENRY, general smith and steam engineer—steam engines manufactured, and
every description of repairs executed in the best manner, and upon reasonable terms.
FISHER, THOMAS J., Albert house, stage house, livery stables, and steamboat office,
George st.—travellers will find this a comfortable house and charges moderate.
HALL, JAMES, tannery, Hunter st.
HASLEHURST, GEORGE, printing office, George st.
NICHOLLS, ROBERT, dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery and country
produce, corner of Simcoe and Water sts.
PERRY, D R . EGERTON, M. D., George st.
PERRY, CHARLES, dealer in dry goods, hardware, china, glass, & c , and lumber mer-
chant, corner of George and Hunter sts.
SNYDER, WILLIAM, dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery and country pro-
duce, George st.
TYRE, GREENE, & Co., dealers in dry goods, groceries, liquors, hardware, crockery and
country produce, George St.
VIZARD, WILLIAM H. J., attorney at law, George st.
WEEKLY DESPATCH, newspaper, G. Haslehurst, George st.
WHITE, THOMAS, boot and shoe store, George st.'—a good stock of boots and shoes
constantly on hand or made to order, of the best quality and at reasonable prices.
WINCH, RICHARD, butcher, Simcoe st.
Allan, George, smith and machinist, George st. Bell, William, chemist and druggist, Hunter st.
Allan, George, blacksmith, George st. Bigelow, J. R., tin and coppersmith, Hunter st.
Almond, Francis, watchmaker, George st. Blackstock, Robert, saddler and harnessmaker,
Armstrong, F. H., storekeeper, George st. George st.
Arnott, William, baker, George st. Brown, Templeton, watchmaker, George st.
Ayres, P. J., axe factory, Scotch village. Brown, James, tailor, George st.
Bailey, G. W., accountant and general agent, Burnham, Dr. George, Water st.
Water st. Cathcart, Andrew, hardware, Hunter st.
Baxter, William, innkeeper, George st. Chambers, Thomas, commercial hotel, corner of
Beatty, Thomas, innkeeper, George st. Water and Hunter sts.
Beatty, R. P., tailor, George st. Chartrain, Gabriel, cabinetmaker, George st.
Beavis, Thomas, shoemaker, Simcoe st. Clancy, John, blacksmith, Scotch village.
Bell, James, general store, George st. Cragie, J., carpenter and builder, Scotch village.