Page 268 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 268

POUT HOPE.                           279

       CRYSLER,  CHARLES,  SC GORDON,  dealers  in  groceries, china, glass, and  provisions, and
          auctioneers, and  commission merchants, Walton st.—N.B. advances  made  on con-
       FOSTER  &  CARSON,  wholesale  and  retail  dealers  in  groceries,  liquors,  glassware,
           crockery,  &c,  Walton  st.
       FURBY,  WILLIAM,  general  printing  office,  Walton  st.
       GARNETT,  WILLIAM,  carpenter and builder,  and planing and  grooving  mills, John  st.—
          plans,  specifications,  &c,  for  every  description  of  building  furnished.
       GRAHAM,  WILLIAM,  innkeeper, and livery  stables, Walton  st.—horses  and conveyances
          for hire, on moderate terms—cash  paid  for  all kinds  of country  produce.
       HARPER,  W. F.,  agent  for  Commercial  Bank, M. D., Walton  st.
       HASTINGS, T. W., North American  hotel, and general  stage agency, Walton st.—a livery
          stable  is  attached  to  the  premises,  horses  and  carriages  are  furnished  when  re-
          quired.  N. B. This is a most comfortable  and well arranged  house.  Ed.
       HAY,  MORICE,  bookseller,  stationer,  Sunday  school  and  tract  depository, fire, life,  and
          general  commission  agent, Walton  st.
       HOLLISTER, D. J., pumpmaker, Maitlandst  the endless chain pump, with the latest im-
          provements,  manufactured  to  order, and  put  up  in  complete  working order, also,
          force  pumps,  of the  most approved  description  for  sale.
       HOOEY, WILLIAM, grocer, baker, and confectioner, Walton st.—every article in the above
          lines  of  business  constantly  on  hand  and  for  sale,  of  the  best  quality, and  upon
          reasonable terms.
      HOWELL,  R.  S.,  boot  and  shoemaker, Walton  st.—ladies  and  gentlemen's  boots  and
          shoes, of  every  description, made  to  order,  in  the  most approved  style, and  upon
          moderate terms.
      KIRCHHOFFER,  N.,  barrister  and  attorney  at law,  Walton  st.
      M'DERMOT  & WALSH,  wholesale  grocers,  leather  and  commission  merchants, Walton
          st.—cash  advances made  on  all descriptions of produce.
      M'INTYRE,  ROBERT,  dealer  in  groceries,  wines,  liquors^  provisions,  and  country
          produce, Walton  st.
      M'KIBBIN,  JAMES, revenue inspector,  County  of Durham, Ward  st.
      M'LENNAN,  M'LEOD  &  Co., importers  of,  and  wholesale  and  retail dealers  in,  shelf
          and  heavy  hardware, Walton  st
      MACPHAIL,  ALEXANDER,  chemist  and druggist,  Walton st.—every description  of  paints,
          oils, dye-stuffs, perfumery, brushes, stationery, &c, constantly  on hand, and  for  sale
          at  reasonable prices.
      MAGNAST,  P.  Z., dealer  in  dry  goods,  elothing,  groceries,  liquors,  crockery, boots  and
          shoes, and  country  produce, Walton  st.
      MAXWELL,  HENRY  & Co., dealers in  dry  goods, groceries, china, glass, &c,  also manu-
          facturers  of  pine lumber and  saw-millers,  Walton  st.
      MIGHT,  JOHN,  saddler, harness, and  trunkmaker, Ward st.—every  article in the line, of
          the  best quality, constantly  on hand,  or made to order, upon  moderate terms.
      MURPHY,  FRANCIS, auctioneer and broker, Walton st.—advances made on consignments,
          and  prompt returns  of sales rendered.
      METCALFE,  T.  W.,  importer  of,  and  wholesale  and  retail  dealer  in,  shelf  and heavy
          hardware, Walton  st.
      NEWMAN,  JOSEPH,  baker  and  grocer,  wholesale  and  retail,  and  dealer  in  country
          produce,  Walton  et.
      PARSONS,  WILLIAM, general smith, horseshoer, and  farrier,  Walton  st.—diseases  of  the
          feet  in  horses particularly  attended  to, and  in  most cases relief  can  be  given, or a
          perfect  cure  effected.
      PERRY,  HORACE,  watchmaker  and  jeweller,  Walton  pt.—clocks, watches,  jewellery,
          fancy  articles,  and  musical  instruments  for  sale  at  moderate  prices,  repairs  of  all
          kinds executed, and  engraving  on copper  and  steel  done  to order.
      PORT  HOPE  WATCHMAN,  weekly  paper, John  Steele, editor, Walton  st.
      PORTER,  ARCHIBALD,  iron  foundry,  manufacturer  of  ploughs,  waggons,  stoves,  and
          blacksmithing establishment, Walton  st.
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