Page 263 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 263

274                         PINE  GROVE.
       DOWNS, JOHN P., clerk  of division  court.
       FITZGERALD, It. J.,  barrister  and attorney  at  law-
       HAIGHT,  C,  chemist  and  druggist,  bookseller  and  stationer.
       Low, PHILLIP, barrister  and  attorney  at law.
       MCFAUL,  B.  &  Co.,  dealers  in  dry  goods, groceries, hardware, crockery  and  country-
           produce,  also wharfingers  and  storage warehouse.
       MILLER  & BROTHERS, across the  bridge, wholesale  and retail  dealers in dry  goods, gro-
            ceries, hardware, crockery and country produce, and tanners of Spanish sole leather.
        MORTIMER, CECIL, deputy  clerk of the crown, clerk of county  court, and  agent for mar-
           riage licenses.
       MITCHELL,  ROBERT, tailor and  clothier—every  description  of  clothing made to order, of
           the best materials  and  workmanship  and  upon  moderate terms.
       PICTON  SUN, weekly paper,  Moran  & Striker,  printers.
       NORTHGRAVES, WM.,  watchmaker and jeweller—particular  attention  paid  to cleaning,
           and repairing watches and  clocks—jewellery  of all kinds repaired in the best manner.
       NICHOL,  ROBERT, barrister  and attorney  at law, and  notary public.
       EOBLIN, J. P.,  registrar  for the  county, agent  for  crown  lands and  collector  of customs.
       SHAW,  SAMUEL  R.,  Mansion  House hotel  and  stage house—travellers  will  find  every
           convenience  at this house.
       SPARHAM, E. B., M. D., physician  and  surgeon.
       YARWOOD, WILLIAM  THOMAS, merchant  tailor—clothing  of  every description  made  tc>
           order  of the best materials, in the most  approved  style, and upon  moderate terms.
       Alexander, William, North American  hotel.  Nettleton,  Rose well, saddler  and  harnessmaker.
       Ayres, Robert, fancy  store.        Nettleton, Mrs., milliner.
       Babbitt. Archibald, general  blacksmith.  Norman, Robert, tin  and  coppersmith.
       Bruce, David,  baker  and  confectioner.  O'Shea,  D., boots and shoes.
       Case, Hiram, Steamboat  hotel.      Patterson,  Christopher, barrister  and attorney  at
       Chadd,  George, grocer and  baker.   law.
       Clarke, William,  watchmaker.       Pope, William,  carriagemaker.
       Donnolly, Thomas, printing  offiee.  Porter, James, boot and  shoemaker.
       Dunn, William, grocer  and  baker.  Post, Mrs., hotelkeeper.
       Gibbon, J.,  shoemaker.             Proctor,  John,  merchant.
       Gillespie, James,  cabinetmaker.    Pruyn, Dr. A.  V. V., physician  and  surgeon.
       Hart,  Samuel,  carriagemaker.      Pyer,  Calvin, hatter, furrier,  and  bookseller.
       Hubbs, Adam, tanner  and shoemaker.  Prince  Edward  Gazette, weekly  paper,  Thomas
       Lawlor,  Rev. Murtagh,  Roman  Catholic.  Donnolly,  printer.
       Low, Phillip, agent for steam mill.  N.  B.—The  Ramsay  & Thorp, general store.
         mill is for sale.                 Ried, Rev. Robert, Free  Church.
       Macauley, Rev. William, Church  of  England.  Ross, Walter,  general  store.
       McCulloch, Rev. William,  Wesleyan.  Sawyer,  Rufus,  cabinetmaker.
       MeFaul's wharf andstorehouses, B. McFaul & Co.  Smith, Charles, grocer and tailor.
       McGowan,  William, boots and shoes.  Sweeny, W., hatter  and  furrier.
       McKay,  Donald, sen., tailor and  clothier.  Taylor,  Francis, sen.,  brewer.
       McKay,  Donald, jun., dry  goods and groceries.  Taylor, Francis, jun.,  butcher.
       McFadden, Thomas, butcher,          Thorp, Henry,  distiller.
       McMillan  & Brothers, dry goods.    Wallace, Luke, saddler  and  harnessmaker.
       McMillan, John,  grocer.            Washburn, Paul, general  store.
       Merril,  Samuel, barrister  and attorney  at law.  Weafherall  & Taylor,  tin and coppersmiths.
       Miller & Brother, tanners  of Spanish sole leather,  Whitcomb, Mrs., milliner.
         and general leather merchants.    Wilson, Stuart, & Son, foundry and general store.
       Moore, Dr.  Thomas.                 Wright, James, shoemaker.
       Moran  & Striker, printing  office.  Wycott, James, hardware.
                                  PINE  GROVE,
       A  VILLAGE  situated  in  the Township  of Vaughan, County of  York, C. W.—distant from  Toronto, 17
       miles—usual stage fare, 2s. 6d.  Population  about  150.
                     ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF  PROFESSIONS,  TRADES,  &c.
       ROE, PETER, & Co., general storekeepers.
       Buttery, F., brewer.               Higgins, D., common  school  teacher.
       Bywatter,  R.,  storekeeper.       Rankin, Dr., physician  and surgeon.
       Dale, L., innkeeper.               Tucker, Rev. W. G.,  Church of England.
       Farreghar, J.,  innkeeper.         Also  2  blacksmiths,  1  saddler,  and  2  waggon-
       Gamble, J.  W.,  woollen  factory,  grist  and  oat  makers,
        mills, distillery, tannery, and glove  factory.
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