Page 269 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 269
PETCH, CHARLES, millwright and carpenter, Queen st.—flouring, carding, fulling, and
threshing mill machinery furnished, and mills fitted up, and put in complete work-
ing order.
ROBERTSON, ROBERT, wholesale and retail dealer in dry goods, and groceries, Walton st
Pvoss, JOHN & Co., importers of foreign and British dry goods, &c., and wholesale and
retail clothing establishment, Walton st.
RUSSELI^ W. F., cabinetmaker and upholsterer> Walton st.—a superior stock of furni-
ture, of th« best quality, always on hand, or made to order, by good workmen, upoiv
4fee lowest possible terms.
SHEBIN, ROBERT, carriagemaker, Cavan St.—every description of carriage used in the
province manufactured of the best quality, and sold upon reasonable terms.
SMITH, U. D., cabinetmaker and upholsterer, Walton st.—a good stock of furniture
always on hand, or made to order, of the best materials, and tvpon reasonable terms,
SMITH, JAMES & JOHN S. } barristers and attornies at law, Walton st.
STRONG, NORMAN, Ontario hotel, Ward st.—travellers and boarders will find a com-
fortable house, convenient to the steamboat landing, and the charges moderate.
TrRE, GREENE, & Co., dealers in dry goods, groceries, and erockery, Walton st.
VINCENT, EDWIN, printer, Walton st.
WADKELL, ROBERT 3ST., wholesale and retail dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware,,
crockery, and country produce, Walton st.
"WILLCOCK, THOMAS, blacksmith and turner, Walton st.—smithwork of every description
attended to, turning in metal and wrought iron in all its branches executed in the best
style, upon moderate terms.
Adams, John, bricklayer, King st. Hewston, William, carpenter, Brown st.
Allen, 0. P., carding and fulling, mill, Cavan st. Hewston, H., carpenter, Brown st..
Andrews, James M., president wharf and har- Honor, Frederick, cabinetmaker, Maitland st.
bour company, and wharfinger. Hughes, Charles^, chemist & druggist, Walton st.
Bain, James, carpenter and grocer, Wardst, Knapp, F. A., bookbinder and mssie teacher,.
Baker, James, shoemaker, Queen st. Walton st.
Barrett, William, jun., carriagemaker, tamer, Kitchen, W., butcher, Walton st.
and smith, Cavan st. Lee, William, carpenter and builder, John st>
Bates, John, brewery, John st. Lees, John, bootmaker, Walton st.
Bates, John, dry goods, &c, Walton st, Little, Thomas, boots and shoes, Queen st.
Bell, P., shoemaker, Walton st. Lonsdale, Stephen, carpenter, Walton st.
Brown, James, baker, Walton st. M'Carty, James, shoemaker & grocer, Walton ST .
Burton, "P. H., flour mills, and distiller, Cavan st. M'Doagall, J. N., bootmaker, &c, Queen st,
Cassie, Rev. John, United Presbyterian. Marshall, J., shoemaker, Walton st.
Cawthome, William B., watchmaker and jewel- Marshall, N., grocer and cooper, Ridout st.
ler, Walton st. Mathers, John, tannery, John st.
Carveth J,, btttcher, Waltoa st. Matthews & Allea, lastmakers and turners.,
Clarke, C. B., lumber and produce merchant, Cavan st.
Walton st. Matthews, William, •waggonmaker, Maitland st.
Crawford, Robert, saddler and tanner, Ward st. Misson & Fogarty, painters, Walton st.
Cole, John, tannery, John st. Misson> Richard, painter, Walton st.
Cottingham, Samuel S., boarding' hottse, Oavan fit* Mitchell, Robert, carpenter, King st.
Curry, Total, carpenter, Bramley st. Miteh&H, Janies, cai?penter, King St.
Elvins, Andrew, tailor, Walton st. Mitchell, William, carpenter, King st.
Evatt, Dr., John st. Montreal Telegraph, A. Pearkes, operator, Wai-
Fogarty, John, boot and shoemaker, Walton st. ton st.
Fox, Phillip, steam engine factory, aiid carpenter,, Morgan, J., carriagemaker & foundry, Cavan st.
and builder, John st. Morton, John & Co., dry goods,, groceries,, hard-
Freeman, , painter, Rice Lake road. ware, crockery, & country produce, Walton st.
Gallagher, Joseph, grocer and baker, Walton Bt, Nelson, James, innkeeper and grocer, Mill st.
Gilchrist, Dr. John, John st. Orr, Robert, dry goods, Walton st.
Gilchrist, Dr. Hiram, Walton st. Pearkes & Brodin, attornies, Walton st.
Gillett, Hiram, dry goods store, Waltoa st. Pearkes, Dr. George, Walton st.
Gillespie, David, grocer and tarern, Ward st. Perry & Thatcher, booksellere and stationers,
Gilmour & Co., Port Hope flora: mills, R. N. Walton st. _
Waddell, agent. Pollard, Phillip, tin and coppersmith, John st.
Gray, H., hairdresser, &c, Walton st. Porter, John-, boot and shoemaker, Queen st.
Gwatkin, William, general store, Walton st. Quinlan, Cornelias, tin. & coppersmith, Walton st.
Harvey & Hutton, grocers & saddlers, Walton st. Reynoldss, George, innkeeper, Julia st.
Hatton, John, storekeeper, Walton st» Reynolds, John, innkeeper, Ward st.
Helms, John, ironfoandry, M31 st. Ifcdcbe, A., grocer, Charles s't
Hill, R., tailor, Cavan st* Roche, John R . r p i i l l M