Page 267 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 267

278                   POET  ELGIN—PORT   HOPE.
                                 PORT   ELGIN,
      A  VILLAGE  situated  on the Gallops  Canal,  in the Township  of Edwardsburgh—distant  from  Prescott,
      9 miles—from  Cornwall,  41 miles.  Population  about 120.
                    ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF PBOFESSIONS,  TBADE8, &o.
      Adarne,  Lemuel,  storekeeper.     McMillan,  A., collector of customs and canal tolls.
      Aiken  & Bailey,  general  store.   McPherson,  Kenneth,  general  store.
      Akin, W. S.,  postmaster.           Plees, Rev. H. E., Church  of  England.
      Bear,  Robert,  innkeeper.          Piercy,  Thomas,  tailor.
      Cameron,  Nicholas,  innkeeper.    Popps,  John,  saw mill.
      Gates, Dr. W.                      Slorah,  James,  general  store.
      Jellyman,  James,  preventive  officer.  Waddell,  Thomas,  blacksmith.
                                  PORT   HOPE,
      A  TOWN  situated  on the shore  of  Lake  Ontario,  in  the Township  of  Hope,  County  of  Durham,
      C. W.,—distant  from  Kingston,  112 miles—usual  steamboat  fare,  10s.—usual  stage  fare,  32s. 6d.—
      distant  from  Toronto,  65 miles—usual  steamboat  fare,  10s.—usual  stage  fare,  17s. 6d.  Population
      about  2500.
                                 PUBLIC  OFFICERS.
      Day, Thomas T., clerk  of division  court, Walton st.
      Evatt, Francis, town  clerk, Walton  st.             i
      Hughes, Charles, treasurer,  Walton st.
      Forbes, Henry,  customs surveyor and clerk, Ward st.
      M'Kibbin, James, revenue  inspector, county Durham, Ward st.
      North, James, high constable, Walton st.
      Smart, David, postmaster, Ward st.
      Smith,  James, M. P. P., mayor  of Port  Hope.
      Smith, E. P., crown  lands  agent, Walton st.
      Ward,  Thomas, clerk  of the peace, and judge  surrogate  court, Ward st.
      Ward, G.  C , registrar  for Durham,  Mill st.
      Whitehead, M.  F., collector  of customs, and registrar  surrogate  court, Ward st.
                     AGENCIES OF ASSURANCE  COMPANIES,. BANKS,  &0.
      iEtna  Insurance Company, Fire and Marine, . M. Andrews, agent, King st.
      American  National  Life  Assurance  Company,  W . Burnham, agent,  Walton st.
      Bank  of Montreal, It. N. Waddell,  agent, Walton st.
      Bank  of Upper Canada,  E.  P . Smith,  agent, Walton st.
      Britannia  Life  Assurance  Company,  E.  P. Smith, agent, Walton st.
      British  America  Fire and Marine Assurance  Company, John  Smart,  agent, Walton st.
      Canada  Life  Assurance  Company, Francis  Evatt, agent, Walton st.
      Clinton and Essex  Mutual  Assurance  Company, C. Quinlan,  agent,  Walton  st.
      Colonial  Life  Assurance  Company, D. Smart, agent, Ward st.
      Commercial  Bank, M. D., W.  F. Harper,  agent, Walton st.
      Farmers and Mechanics  Building  Society, John  Smart,  secretary, Ward st.
      Kingston Fire and Marine  Assurance  Company,  D. Smart, agent, Ward st.
      Lafayette  Marine Insurance  Company,  M'Dermott & Walsh, agents,  Walton st.
      National Loan  Fund Life and Equitable Fire Assurance Cos., M. Hay, agent, Walton st.
      Provincial  Mutual and General  Insurance  Company, Morice Hay, agent, Walton st.
      St. Lawrence  Assurance  Company, Francis Evatt, agent, Walton st.
      Union  Assurance  Company  of Fort  Plain, N. Y., Robert  Sherin,  agent, Walton st.
     BAIRD, Rev. I., Baptist,  Ridout  st.
     BEAMISH,  FRANCIS,  dealer  in  dry goods,  groceries,'crockery,  hardware,  and lumber
         merchant, Walton st.
     BURNHAM,  WILLIAM,  commission  produce  agent,  and  agent  for  American  Mutual
         Life  Assurance  Company,  Walton st.
     -CHALK,  ROBERT, carriagemaker, and blacksmith, Cavan  st.—every  description of vehicle
         made by R. C. is warranted  good.
     ELLIOTT,  GEORGE,  distiller and  cattle  dealer,  Cavan  st.
     FRASER,  WII/LIAM,  Bidout  st.
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