Page 262 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 262
NTE, D. T. R., postmaster,, commission merchant, bookseller and stationer—books,
magazines, periodicals, &c.» at publishers' prices.
Booth, J. T., shoemaker. Roberts, W., tailor.
Brown, J. C. k S., grocers. Stanley, J., harnessmaker.
Biigham, J. S., M. D. Smith & Death, general store.
brothers, T., tailor. Randall, Mrs., school teacher.
•Death & Vincent, tinsmiths. Russel, P. P., collector of customs,
Dease, P. W., M. D. Scott, Rev. W., Wesleyan.
Ford, Launson, mayor. St. Lawrence Insurance Company, D. T. R. Nye,
Henderson, John, surveyor of easterns. i agent.
Hickock, William, bailiff. j Rouville & Missisquoi Insurance Company, A.
Hinckley, Levi, innkeeper. Young, secretary,
Humphreys, J. H., blacksmith. Whitwell, Rev. R., Church of England.
Keenan, Michael, inp.keeper. Young, Alexander, custom-house agent.
Moore, H. F. & Co., general store.
A VILLAGE situated iu the Township of Bastard—distant from Brockville, 28 miles—from Kingston, 4 i
•niles. Population about 100.
Alguire, Isaac, blacksmith. Johnston, Christopher, innkeeper.
Brown, James, grist and saw mill. Landen, John, tannery.
Downey, Patrick, carriagemaker. Lewis & Co., general store.
The COUNTY TOWN of the County of Prince Edward, is situated on the Bay of Quints, in the Town-
ship of Hallowell, C. W.—distant from Kingston by water, 40 miles—usual steamboat fare, 5s.—dis-
tant from Kingston by land, 40 miles—stage faro, 10s.—from Belleville, 22 miles—usual steamboat
fare, 5s.—stage fare in winter, Gs. 3d. Population about 1600.
Fairfield, D. L., judge of the county court.
Washburn, Simeon, judge of the surrogate court.
Stevenson, D. B., M. P. P. for Prince Edward.
Roblin, J. P,, county registrar, crown lands agent and collector of customs.
McDonald, James, sheriff for Prince Edward.
Low, Phillip, clerk of the peace and mayor of Picton.
Mortimer, Cecil, deputy clerk of the crown, and agent for marriage licenses.
Me ml, S., registrar of surrogate court.
Downs, J. P., clerk of county court.
Chapman, R. J., clerk of the county council.
Hubbs, Adam, revenue inspector.
Clute, John S., landing waiter of customs.
Barker, David, postmaster.
.Hurray, Lempriere, town clerk.
Hentley, Wilson, deputy sheriff.
McGuire, T., jailor.
Bank of Montreal, Cecil Mortimer, agent.
Commercial Bank, Midland District, David Smith, agent.
Canada Life Assurance Company, Robert Nichol, agent.
National Loan Fund Life Assurance Company, and Equitable Fire Assurance, Jame?
McDonald, agent.
Provincial Mutual Fire Assurance Company, R. S. Chapman, agent.
BARKER, DAVID, iron foundry, and steam engine works, stoves and castings of every
description manufactured in a manner second to none in the province.
BOG, THOMAS, 8C CO., dealers in dry goods, groceries and crockery.
CHAPMAN & STRIKER, chemists and druggists, grocers, &e.