Page 264 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 264


                       POINTE   AUX   TREMBLES,     en  haut,
      A  VILLAGE  situated  on the Island  of  Montreal,  9 miles  below  the  city,  from  which  to  the  village
      is a delightful  drive along the banks  of the river.  Population  of the village and parish about 1150.
                     ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF PROFESSIONS,  TRADES,  &c.
      Archambault, J.  B., boarding house.  Lafrance,  Joseph,  shoemaker.
      Beaudry, N., general store.         Levingston, Mrs., grocery store.
      Brion, Octave, notary.              Mignault, Moise,  commissioner of court.
      Desrochers, Regis, wheelwright.     Mouet,  Gabriel,  blacksmith.
      Dubrule, Captain Pierre.            Porlier, Rev. F.  R.,  Roman  Catholic.
      Dunbar, Mrs.,  storekeeper.         Provost,  Baptiste  & Hubert,  wheelwrights.
      Fontaine, Dr.,  physician  and surgeon.  Tanner,  Rev. J.  E.,  French  Protestant,  principal
      Gariepy,  Charles,  wheelwright.     of the Pointe Aux Trembles  school.
      Laporte, Joseph,  commissioner  of court.
                       POINTE   AUX   TREMBLES,     en bas,
      A  VILLAGE  situated  on  the River  St. Lawrence,  in  the  Seigniory  of  Neuville,  County  of  Portneuf,
      C. E.—distant  from  Quebec, 21 miles.
      Auger, Lieutenant  Colonel Francois.  Grenier, L6ger, general  store.
      Auger, Zephirin, boarding  house.   Hardy,  Moise, general  store.
      Beaudry, Norbert, general store.   Laroche, Francois, notary.
      Beaudry, Narcisse, general store.  Larue, Eugene and Charles, seigniors of Neuville.
      Bertrand, Miss  Sophie, general store.  Larue, F. X., postmaster  and notary.
      Convent  of  Pointe  Aux  Trembles,  Sister  St.  Parent, Rev. Louis E.,  Roman  Catholic.
        Monique, Superior, number  of pupils, over 90.  Proulx,  S.,  notary.
      Delisle, N., general store.        Papillon, Joseph,  miller.
      Dubord, Hypolite,  shipyard.       Rochette, Captain  Joseph.
      Faucher, Pierre, H.,  notary.      St. Jean,  Antoine,  shipyard.
      Faucher,  dit Chateauvert,  Captain  Eustace.  Trudel,  Charles,  M.  D.
      Gagne", Jean, J. P., general store.
                               POINTE   CLAIRE,
      A  VILLAGE  situated  on  the  Island  of  Montreal—distant  from  the  city,  16  miles—usual  steamboat
      fare,  2s. 6d.—usual stage fare, 5s.  Population  about 150.
                    ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF  PROFESSIONS,  TRADES,  &c.
      Clairmont, Atigustin,  grocer.     Ricard,  Rev. P. D., Roman  Catholic.
      D'Auost, Joseph,  grocer.          Valois,  C ,  notary  and  postmaster.
      Dueheneau,  Thomas,  grocer.       Valois, Dr. F.  E.
      Mallet, Vital, grocer.
                               POINTE   DU  LAC,
      A  VILLAGE  situated at the east end  of  Lake  St. Peter,  in the  Seigniory  of  Pointe du Lac, and  County
      of St. Maurice, C. E.—distant  from  Montreal,  81 miles—from  Quebec,  99 miles.  Population  of  the
      Seigniory about  1100.
                    ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF  PROFESSIONS,  TRADES,  &c.
      Dupont, Mrs. Louis, boarding house.  Paradis, Rev.  Didier,  Roman  Catholic.
      Garceau,  Captain  Antoine.        Piche, Michel,  miller.
      Gauthier,  Major  Joseph.          Rouelle, Captain  Joseph.
      Malhiot, Dr. Charles, grist  and saw mills.
                                POINTE   LEVI,
      A VILLAGE  beautifully  situated  on  the  River  St.  Lawrence,  in  the  Seigniory  of  Lauzon,  opposite
     Quebec—to which city small steam ferry  boats ply  every  half hour—fare,  3d.  Population  about  1200.
      Bourget, Charles, notary public.   Octeau,  Sime'on, captain  of  militia, and  justice ot
     Begin, Rigobert,  captain  of militia.  the peace.
     Couillurd, Jean  Baptiste, public  notary.  Patton,  Duncan,  ship and timberyard  owner.
     Chaperon, Louis Frederic, M. D.     Patton,  Horatio Nelson, justice  of the  peace.
      Deziel, Rev. Joseph  David, Roman  Catholic.  Price, William, ship and timberyard  owner.
     Fraser, Thomas, captain  of militia.  Robertson,  Charles, lieutenant  colonel  of  militia-
     Guay, Francois Marcel, notary public, justice  of  Russell, William, ship and timberyard  owner.
       the  peace, and  captain  of militia.  Samson, Amable, captain of militia.
     Guay,  Benoni, M. D.                Samson, Jean. Baptiste, general store.
     Jiasson, Joseph, M. D.              Samson, Joseph, major  of militia.
      Leclaire, Victor, general store.   Tibbets, James, ship and timberyard  owner..
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