Page 258 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
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PERTH.                         269

      Dickson, Andrew,  sheriff  of the united  counties.
      Matheson, Hon. R., M. L. C.
      Sache, Chs. H., clerk  of division and surrogate courts, and deputy clerk  of the  Crown.
      Radenhurst,  Thomas M., treasurer  of the united  counties.
      Berford,  W . R.  F., clerk of the peace, and of the municipal  council.
      McKay, John,  clerk of the county, bankrupt, and insolvent,  courts.
      Bell, James,  registrar  of county  of Lanark.
     Leslie, Anthony,  revenue  inspector and crown  lands  agent.
      Grant, John P., postmaster.
      Morris, Hon. William,  agent  for marriage  licenses.
                     AGENCIES  OF ASSURANCE  COMPANEIS,  BANKS,  &e,
      Brockville  Mutual Fire  Assurance  Company,  W . O. Buell,  agent.
      Canada  Life  Assurance  Company,  W . R.  F. Berford,  agent.
      Colonial  Life  Assurance  Company,  W . 0 . Buell,  agent.
      Commercial  Bank,  Kingston, A. Leslie, agent.
      Bathurst  District  Building  Society, James  Allan,  secretary  and treasurer.
      National  Loan  Fund  Life  Assurance,  and Equitable  Fire  Assurance  Companies of
         London, James  Bell,  agent.
      ADAMS, JOSHUA, jun., attorney  at law.
      ALLAN,  JAMES,  (1st,)  dealer in dry goods, groceries, books, stationery, &c.
      ALLAN,  JAMES,  (2nd,)  Perth  bakery and confectionery—a  choice  assortment  of  confec-
         tionery  constantly  for sale, wholesale and retail, at low prices.
      BATHURST  COURIER,  weekly  paper,  Thompson  & Rice, publishers.
      BUELL, W. O., barrister  at law, &c.
      BELL,  JAMES,  registrar  of the county  of Lanark.
      COOMBS, JOHN  S., chemist  and druggist—a  good  stock  of every  article in the line con-
          stantly  on hand.
      DEACON,  JOHN,  barrister  at law, &c.
      DOBBIE, JAMES, iron  founder,  general  smith and manufacturer  of stoves, ploughs, &c.
      GLASSCOTT,  WILLIAM,  hotelkeeper  and  stage  house—good  accommodations  for
          travellers and boarders, and charges  moderate.
      GRANT,  JOHN  P., postmaster,  and dealer  in dry goods,  groceries,  hardware,  china,
         glass, &c.
      HOGG,  DAVID,  cabinetmaker  and upholsterer—a  good  stock  of  furniture  always  on
          hand or made to order, at low prices.
      IVERR,  JOHN,  dealer  in dry goods, groceries, liquors, crockery,  glass, &c.
      MCCAFFREY,  THOMAS, jun., saddler and  harnessmaker—a  choice stock always on hand
          or made to order, at reasonable  prices.
      MCDONALD,  JOHN D., physician  and surgeon.
      MCDONNELL  &  HALL,  (late .Thompson  & McDonnell,)  importers  of  dry goods, groce^
          ries, hardware, china,  glass, &c.
      MCDONNELL,  MURDOCH,  warden  of the united  counties, and town  reeve of Perth.
      MCKAY,  JOHN,  attorney at law,  &c.
      MCMARTIN,  DANIEL, judge of surrogate  court,  and barrister at law.
      MAIR,  W . & J., dealers in dry goods, groceries, hardware, china,  glass, &c.
      MALLOCH,  JOHN  G., judge  of the county and division  courts.
      MATHESON, R., & Co., importers of dry goods, groceries, hardware, china, glass, &c.
      MEIGHAN,  ARTHUR,  dealer in dry goods, groceries, crockery, hardware, &c.
      MURRAY,  JOHN,  & Co., importers  of dry goods, groceries, hardware, china, glass, &c.
      PATTERSON,  JAMES, hotelkeeper—the  house has been  newly  fitted up, and travellers or
          permanent  boarders  will  find  comfortable  quarters and moderate  charges.
      RADENHURST,  THOMAS M., barrister at law, treasurer  of the united  counties.
      ROBERTS,  JOHN,  agent for E. S. Lyman,  chemist, druggist and apothecary.
      SACHE,  CHARLES H., clerk  of the surrogate  and division  courts,  and deputy  clerk of
          the  crown.
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