Page 256 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
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PEMBROKE—PENATANGORE.                       267

       WOLVERTON,  ASA,  lumber  merchant and general  contractor,  IT. "V.
       WOOD,  THOMAS,  merchant tailor  and  clothier, L.  V.—executes  all  orders  in  his line of
          business with  neatness  and despatch, and  upon  the most moderate  terms.
       Aikrnan, Richard  S., general trader,  TJ. V.  Kirkpatrick,  Robert, mansion house,  TJ. V.
       Allchin, William, wooden  ware factory,  L.  V.  Laycock, James,  cabinetmaker, L.  V.
       Arnold, Elijah,  confectioner,  L. V.  Laycock,  Dr.  H.  S., L.  V.
       Batty, William, tin  and iron plate worker, L.  V.  Leavens,  Leander,  saddler  and  harnessmaker,
       Blackwood, Andrew,  cooper, L.  V.  L.  V.
       Boyd, A.,  shoemaker,  U. V.       Logan, Patrick, general trader, L.  V.
      Bullock, & Rhodes, painters and glaziers, L. V.  Manson, William,  cooper, L.  V.
      Calderwood,  John,  saddler  and  harnessmaker,  McCosh, Dr., U.  V.
        L.  V.                            McCosh, John, baker  and grocer,  TJ. V.
       Capron, Walter,  livery stables, L.  V.  Mitchell & Johnson,  carriagemakers,  and  black-
       Caw, Rev.  David, Church  of Scotland.  smiths, L.  V.
       Clarke, Thomas, tin and coppersmith, U.  V.  Mitchell, James,  fanning  mill maker,  L.  V.
       Cleghom, Rev.  , Baptist.          Naphegyi, Dr., beet  root sugar factory, L. V.
      Clement, Rev.  , Wesleyan.          Newcombe, R.  & V., tailors,  TJ. V.
      Currey,  G.  & Co., coopers, L.  V.  Paris  and Dundas Road Company, James Nimmo,
       Cooke, Dr., L.  V.                  president, James Pollock, sec. and treasurer.
       Daly, T.  M.,  general store, L.  V.  Paris  Star, weekly paper,  office  TJ. V.
       Dixon, Dr.,  TJ. V.                Paris  and Ayr  Road  Company,  Asa  Wolverton,
      Dutton, William, shoemaker, L.  V.   president, James  Black, secretary,  TJ.  V.
      Early, Gilbert,  till and coppersmith, L.  V.  Patton & Currey, distillers, & general store, L. V.
       Farlow, William, watch  and clockmaker, U. V.  Robertson, James, tailor,  TJ. V.
       Ferrell, Vanvoorhies, & Co., contractors on Great  Roberts, John, baker, U.  V.
        Western Railroad, L.  V.          Ruttan,  Rev.  Charle*, Church  of England.
      Finlayson, Hugh, saddler and harnessmaker, U. V.  Smith, John,  innkeeper, L.  V.
      Finlayson  & Co., tanners, L.  V.   Smith,  J.  P.,  agent  for  marriage  licenses,  and
      Fisher,  Charles,  boots, shoes and  leather,  TJ. V.  commissioner  for  taking  affidavits  in  Queen's
      Fisher, Robert,  boots and  shoes, U. V.  Bench,  TJ. V.
      Forbes, John,  Victoria hotel, U. V.  Spence,  G. innkeeper,  TJ. V.
      Forsyth, E. P., tailor,  TJ. V.     Spottiswood,  Alexander,  general  trader, L.  V.
      Isintroul  & Co., coopers, L.  V.   Spratt,  Thomas, boot  and  shoemaker.
      Graham, John,  cooper, L.  V.       Tennant, James,  grocer  and innkeeper, L.  V.
      Gray, George A., barrister  at law, L.  V.  Vincent, Rev. J.,  Congregationalism
      Green, Patrick,  Paris hotel,  TJ. V.  Waters,  tinsmith, L.  V.
      Greenstreot,  H. J.,  conveyancer,  TJ. V.  Watts,  Dr., L.  V.
      Haviland,  William, carpenter,  TJ. V.  Young, William,  shoemaker,  TJ. V.
      Huntly, John,  Globe hotel,  TJ. V.
      A  VILLAGE  situated  in tbe  Township  of  Pembroke,  and  County  of  Renfrew,  C. W.—distant  from
      Bytown,  86  miles—usual  steamboat  fare  from  Bytown,  7s. 6d.—usual  stage  fare  from  Portage  du
      Fort, 5s.
                    ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF  PBOFESSIONS,  TEADES,  &c.
      Bell, John  and David, merchants, general traders,  Lynch,  Rev. J.,  Roman  Catholic.
        lumber dealers, and tannery.      McLaren  & White,  general traders.
      Butcher,  Rev.- Georgo  B., Wesleyan.  Macaulay,  Alex,  and Chas., lumber  merchants.
      Centres, Lewis, lumber  merchant.   Martin,  Robert,  carpenter.
      Church, Horace, saw  and carding  mill.  Melville, Rev. Andrew, Free  Church.
      Currie, John,  lumber  merchant.    Moffat,  Alexander,  miller and  postmaster.
      Davidson, James, lumber  merchant.  Moffat,  W.  &  J.  P.,  merchants,  general  store
      Dunlop, A. H., lumber merchant.      and lumber dealers.
      Dunlop, John, lumber  merchant.     O'Kelly,  Christopher, lumber  merchant.
      Dunlop, Mrs. D.  C,  innkeeper.     O'Meara,  Daniel, merchant  and general  trader.
      Gould, Jason,  steamboat  and stage owner.  Powell, Alexander W., lumber  merchant.
      Henderson, Robert,  architect.      Porteous, Robert, boot and shoe store.
      Judge, Dr.  John.                   Rowan, Joseph,  innkeeper.
      Johnston, James  S., lumber  merchant.  Supple, John, lumber  merchant.
      Ledger wood, James, master  builder.  Sweezie, Aaron,  blacksmith.
      Little, William,  innkeeper.        White, Peter, lumber  merchant.
      A VILLAGE  situated in the Township  of  Kincardine,  County  of  Bruce, C. W.—distant  from  Toronto,
      139 miles—usual  stage fare  27s. 6d.

                    ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF  PEOFESSIOUS,  TEADES,  &c.
      MCKENDRICK,  DAVID, postmaster  and  general store.
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