Page 255 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 255

m                              PAWS.
      A flourishing VILLAGE, situated  on the  Grand  River, in the Townships of  Dumfries  and Brantford,
      United Counties of Wentworth and Halton, C. W.—distant from  Brantford, 7  miles,  from  Dundas, 22
      miles,  from  Gait, 13 miles,  and from  Hamilton, 26 miles—usual stage fare  from  Hamilton, 5s.  Popu-
      lation about 1800.  The Village is divided by Smith's Creek, into two parts, known as the Upper and
      Lower Village,  and the addresses are given  below accordingly,  being designated  by the letters U. V.
       or L. V.
                     AGENCIES  OF  ASSUBANCE COMPANIES, BANKS,  &c.
      Canada  Life  Assurance  Company,  John  Smith, agent, U. V.
      Gore  Bank, James  Nimmo, agent,  U. V.
      Gore  District Mutual  Insurance  Company,  Daniel  Totten,  agent,  L. V.
      National Loan  Fund Life and Equitable Fire Assurance  Companies, J. A. Penton,  agent,
          U. V.
      ALLCHIN,  WHITLAW,  & Co., iron, founders  and machinists, L.  V.
       BENNETT,  DANIEL,  carriage, waggon  and  sleighmaker, U.  V.
      BRADFORD,  O. D., Union  house,  L .  V.—superior  accommodation  for  travellers, and
          good yard and stabling  attached to the premises.
      CAPRON,  HIRAM, J. P., town reeve,  L . V.
      CLODE,  WILLIAM,  dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, glass  and crockery, U. V.
      CURRIE, JAMES  & JOHN,  butchers and  victuallers, L.  V.
      DAVIDSON,  JAMES,  dealer  in  dry  goods  groceries,  hardware,  glass  and  crockery
          ware,  U. V.
      FISHER,  JAMES M., boot, shoe and leather  store, U. V.—keeps  always on  hand  a good
          stock  of boots and shoes, and executes  all orders, in the latest and most  fashionable
          style  of workmanship, and of the  best  materials.
      IRWIN,  JOHN,  dealer  in  dry  goods,  groceries,  wines  and  liquors, hardware,  glass and
          crockeryware,  (J. V.
      MACARTNEY,  GEORGE,  postmaster, and  Paris  flour mills, L.  V.
      MALTUS,  ANDREW.,  cabinet  and  chairmaker,  L. V.—manufactures  every  description
          of cabinetware  and chairs  of the  best  materials and workmanship, and upon  mode-
          rate  terms.
      MILLER,  JOHN, dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware,  glass and crockery, IT. V.
      MITCHELL,  GEORGE, tailor  and clothier, IT. V.—makes  to  order  every  description  of
          gentlemen's  and  youths'  clothing, ladies' riding  habits,  & c , upon  moderate  terms,
          and  in the latest and most  approved  styles.
      MORE,  ROBERT,  dealer in dry goods, groceries, wines  and liquors,  hardware,  glass and
          crockery, L. V.
      NIMMO,  JAMES, agent  for  Gore Bank, IT. V.
      PENTON,  JOHN A., conveyancer,  clerk  of  division  court,  notary  public, general  and land
          agent, L. V.
      PHILP,  GUT, clothier  and tailor.  U. V.—is  always  prepared  to  attend  to  orders  in
          every  department  of his line  of business  upon  moderate  terms,  and with  prompti-
          tude and punctuality.
      SCOTT,  GEORGE L., & Co., chemists  and druggists, L. V.—paints, oils and dye  stuffs  of
          every description,  stationery and school  books  constantly on hand.
      SOWDON,  SAMUEL,  chemist  and druggist,  stationer  and  bookseller,  L. V.—paints,  oils
          and dye stuffs in every  variety—a  choice  stock  of perfumery,  school  books and sta-
          tionery  constantly  on hand.
      TAYLOR,  W M . EL, dealer in groceries* wines, liquors,  & c , L. V.—keeps  always  on hand
          a  good  assortment  of every  article in his line  of  business,  which he  offers  upon as
          moderate  terms as any other  house in the village.
      TOTTEN,  DANIEL,  Paris  woollen  mills  and manufactory, L. V.—manufactures  tweeds,
          plain  cloth, cassimeree,  flannels  and blankets,  which  he  furnishes  upon  as  good
          terms as any other  house in the Provinces—carding and cloth  dressing done to order
          upon  reasonable terms—cash  paid for wool in any quantity.
      WHITLAW,  CHARLES, new Paris  flouring and plaster  mills, L. V.—cash paid  for wheat,
          rye,  corn, barley and pork.
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