Page 253 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 253

264             OTTERVILLE—OWEN     SOUND,  or Sydenham.

      A VILLAGE  situated in the Township of Norwich, County  of  Oxford, C. W.—distant  from  Toronto,
      100 miles—from  Woodstock,  19 miles—and  from  London 53 miles.  Population  about 180.
      Allen, James, blacksmith.           Cromwell, R., general merchant.
      Brown, Rev. Mr., Church  of England.  Good, Thomas, innkeeper.
      Bullock, Edward,  general  merchant,  mill owner  Goodwin, J., tailor.
        and blacksmith's shop.            Gregory, J. M., shoemaker.
      Carder, G. W., general  merchant.   Haycock, E., engineer.
      Carder, J. W., J. P.                Johnston, John,  cabinetmaker.
      Cornell, J.|H. & S. P., general merchants.  Pencell, Asa, saddler and harnessmaker.
      Cornell, John,  postmaster.         Smith, John, master  of common  school.
      Cromwell, James,  innkeeper.

                          OWEN    SOUND,   or  Sydenham,
      A thriving VILLAGE situated in the Township of Sydenham, County of Waterloo, C. W.—on  a fine Bay
      (Georgian,) of  Lake  Huron—distant  from  Toronto  by  land,  110 miJes—distant  from  Toronto, vi&
      Sturgeon  Bay,  Orillia  and Holland  Landing,  207 miles—usual  stage and  steamboat  fare,  23s.  9d.—
      distant  from Fergus, 72 miles—usual stage fare, 15s., from  Hamilton, 115 miles.  Population about 800.
      BROWN,  GEORGE, postmaster.
      GORDON, THOMAS, land and general agent, and coroner.
      VANDUSEN,  OWEN,  barrister  at  law  and  publisher  of  " the  Owen  Sound  Comet,"
          weekly  paper.
      Andrew, Alexander, junr.,  machinist.  Kilborn, Hiram & James, tanners.
      Armstrong, William,  attorney at law.  Lang, Dr. William.
      Andrews, David,  wheelwright.      Kevers, Thomas, builder.
      Bell, John,  tailor.               Kyle, Ebenezer,  builder.
      Blyth, John, tailor.               Lenfestey,  Peter, general  store.
      Blackshow,  Samuel, miller.        Le Pan, Frederick,  general store.
      Brown, Ezra, tanner.               Lee,  Robert,  brickmaker.
      Brown, Charles R., painter and glazier.  Ludlow, William,  baker.
      Boyd, Dr. Francis.                 Lunn, Thomas, township  reeve.
      Boyd, W.  C ,  wharfinger.         Mckinnon, Rev. John,  Free  Church.
      Buchan & Jones, general store.     Me Arthur & McNevin,  carpenters.
      Butchart, George, tin and coppersmith.  MacKenzie, Donald,  wheelwright.
      Butchart, David, tailor.           MaJone, Henry,  brewer.
      Butchart, John,  confectioner.     Manley, Dr. Henry.
      Campbell, William,  blacksmith.    Miller & Sinclair, iron  founders.
      Carney, R., general store and insurance  agent.  Miller, John, ship owner.
      Carter, Robert,  shoemaker.        Mills, J., division court  bailiff.
      Catheart, William, joiner.         Moot, David,  carpenter.
      Clarke, John,  blacksmith.         Mulholland, Rev., Church  of England.
      Chetwin, Samuel, carpenter.        Neeland, Rev. John,  Wesleyan.
      Chisholm, John,  cabinetmaker.     Neeland, A., division court  bailiff.
      Coleman, James, innkeeper.         Orr, Kennedy,  innkeeper-
      Cobean, John,  innkeeper.          Parks, J., shoemaker.
      Corbett, W. A., innkeeper.         Pearce, Richard,  butcher.
      Creighton, John,  shoemaker.       Pearson, John, general store.
      Cumming, John,  shoemaker.         Rankin*  Charles, land  surveyor.
      Darroh, John, turner.              Richards, Stephen,  mason.
      Dowling, E.  C , builder and joiner.  Scott, Thomas, distiller.
      Earle, Elias, plasterer.           Sinclair, Mrs., milliner.
      Fox, William,  plasterer.          Sloane, James,  carpenter.
      Frost, John, general store.        Smith, J. A., shoemaker.
     <Gale,  George  J.,  auctioneer,  clerk  of  division  Stephens, R. & W. A., tanners.
       court and commissioner of Queen's  Bench.  Stephens, A. M., general store.
      Hall, Charles, shoemaker.          Stephens, W. A., ship owner, collector of customs
      Hamlin & Riddell, brewers.           and  insurance  agent.
     Hamilton, John,  potashmaker.       Taylor, W. D., general store.
      Harrison, Robert, mill owner.      Telfer, John, mill owner, Leith mills.
      Henry,  James, butcher.            Thomson,  George, carpenter.
     Holmes, William,  cabinetmaker.     Trotter, Richard,  carpenter.
     Hntchinson, Thomas, builder.        Wilson, John, miller and woollen  factory.
     Inglis, Peter, mill owner.          Wilson, Daniel,  blacksmith.
     Kirkland, John,  builder.           Wilson, David,  carpenter.
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