Page 254 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 254

OWENSVILLE—PAKENHAM—PALERMO.                      265

       A  VILLAGE  situated  in  the  Township  of  Ameliasburgh,  County of  Prince  Edward, C.  W.—distant
       from  Belleville, 10 miles—usual stage fare from Kingston, 8s. 9d.—usual stage fare  to Picton, 5s.  Popu-
       lation about 100.

                     ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF PROFESSIONS,  TRADES,  &c.
       Briant, Aaron, temperance inn.     Edwards, William,  cooper.
       Bowland, Patrick,  cooper.         Howell, Hector,  wool  carder.
       Coleman, Charles,  carriagemaker.  Kellogg, Charles,  carpenter.
       Coleman, John,  cabinetmaker.      Law,  Mrs., milliner.
       Coleman, James,  blacksmith.       Roblin,  Owen, merchant,  miller and  postmaster.
       Coleman,  David,  innkeeper.       Symonds, Henry,  bailiff.
       Cotter, Richard  C. H., clerk  of division  court.  Trevilligar, John,  blacksmith.
       Delong, Henry, tailor  and agent  for the  Gennesee  Williams, Reuben,  shoemaker.
        Insurance  Company.
       A  VILLAGE  situated on  the  Mississippi  River,  in  the Township  of  Pakenham,  County  of  Lanark,
       Q.  'W.—distant from  Bytown,  36  miles—usual  stage  fare  from  Bytown  in winter,  5s.—distant  from
       Fitzroy harbour,  12 miles—stage fare  in winter,  2s. 6d.  Population  about 250.
                     ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF  PROFESSIONS,  TRADES,  &c.
       DUNNET, JAMES, general  store,—a  good stock  of  dry  goods, groceries, &c.  constantly
           on hand,  at moderate  prices—produce  of  all  kinds  taken  in  exchange  at  market
       Baines, C. T.,  barrister  at law.  Hillyard,  Daniel, general store  and  postmaster.
       Bradley, Thomas, blacksmith  and axe  factory.  Leith, John,  saddler  and  harnessmaker.
       Brown, Robert,  general store.     Me Adam, William, town  reeve.
       Coleman, Smith,  tannery.          McAdam, William,  hotelkeeper.
       Cross,  fanning mill  factory.     McFarlane, Mrs.,  hotelkeeper.
       Currie, Adam,  hotelkeeper.        McNicol, Duncan,  carpenter  and  builder.
       Dickson, Andrew, flour and sawmills.  Mann, Rev. Alexander, Church  of Scotland.
       Dickson,  Andrew,  sheriff  of  the  united  counties  Parker,  George, cooper.
        of Lanark  and  Renfrew.          Quigley, James, carpenter  and  builder.
       Drysdale, Alexander, blacksmith and axe factory.  Ramage, Robert,  baker.
       Greer, James, waggon and  sleighmaker.  Reed, W. H.,  tannery.
       Graham, Robert, waggon  and  sleighmaker.  Royce, Charles, carding and fulling  mill.
       Henderson, Rev. Alex., United  Presbyterian.  Russell, Andrew,  & Son, general store.
       A  VILLAGE  situated in the Township  of Trafalgar,  and  17. C. of Wentworth  and Halton, C.  W.—dis-
       tant  from  Hamilton,  15  miles,  distant  from  Toronto,  32  miles—usual stage  fare, 2s. 6d.  Population
       about 200.
                     ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF  PROFESSIONS,  TRADES,  &c.
       APPELBE, JAMES, general  merchant,  Trafalgar.
       MARLATT, O., steam  saw mill and  postmaster,  Trafalgar.
       MURRAY,  ALEXANDER,  general merchant  and merchant tailor.
       PALERMO  IRONFOUNDRY,  JACOB  LAWRENCE,  machinist,  steam  engine  builder, mill-
           wright,  and agricultural implement maker, &c.
       SWITZER, H.  M., postmaster  and general  merchant.
       Abbs, Rev.  Geo., Episcopal  Methodist.  Morse, S.,  carpenter.
       Bowman, Samuel, tanner.            Post, J.,  hotelkeeper,  Trafalgar.
       Buck, John, saw mill.              Proudfoot, John, miller  and saw mill.
       Dallas, John, M. D.                Robinson, A.,  tailor.
       Davis, W.,  carpenter.             Roy, Rev. A.  R.,  Episcopal  Methodist.
       Dornan, J.,  boots and shoes.      Smith, W.,  waggonmaker.
       Flynn, G., boots and shoes.        Smith, A.,  waggonmaker.
       Harding, J.,  boots and shoes.     Soules, J.,  waggonmaker.
       Hawthorn  & Shuert, smiths.        Watson, John, tinsmith.
       McPhail, J.,  saddler.             White, James, saw mill.
       Moore, J.,  boots and shoes.       Whitney, Henry,  carpenter.
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