Page 127 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 127
Eastwood, Anthony, storekeeper. ! Smith, James H., storekeeper.
Eastwood, Anthony, postmaster. j Smith, John, blacksmith.
Edwards, George, tanner. ! Sloydill, Solomon, tanner.
Ellis, Henry B., storekeeper. ! Sloydill, Seymour H., farrier.
Fannan, Bernard, boot and shoemaker. ! Snowden, Thomas, boot and shoemaker.
Greenlees, Robert, cabinetmaker. Stead, Elizabeth, tavernkeeper.
MaJoney, Patrick, boot and shoemaker. . Street, Richard F., bricklayer.
Osier, Rev. Henry Bath, Church oi England. Tracy, Patrick, tavernkeeper.
Robinson, Richard, watchmaker. Tyson, Thomas W., miller.
Scott, Joseph, carding mill. Walsh, Robert, provincial surveyor-
Shanks, Peter, carpenter. Winn, George, wheelwright.
Skelton, William, saddler and harnessmaker. Wood, Marshall, wheelwright.
Smith, James H., commissioner for taking affi- Wright, John, carpenter,
davits. Wright, Thomas, bricklayer.
The COUNTY TOWN of the County of Middlesex, is situated in the Township of London, and is sur-
rounded by the finest farming country in Canada. The Town is well watered, lying between two
arms oi the River Thames; and the Great Western Railroad, now in progress of construction, will pass
through it. London is an electoral District, returning one member to the Provincial Parliament-
and being the principal Town west of Hamilton, appears destined to become one of the main depots for the
commerce of the west—distant from Toronto, 125 miles—from Hamilton, 81 miles—from Brantford,
57 miles—from Woodstock, 31 miles—from St. Thomas, 17 miles—from Port Stanley, 26 miles—from
Port Samia, 61 miles—from Goderich, 60 miles—from Chatham, 70 miles—from Detroit, 120 miles—
and from Buffalo, 152 miles—usual stage fare to Chatham, 17s. 6d.—to Wardsville, 10s.—to Goderich.
15s.-—to St. Thomas, 3s. 9d.—to Port Stanley, 5s.—to Woodstock, 6s. 3d.—to Brantford, 11s. 3d.—to
Hamilton, 15s.—to Port Samia, 15s. Population about 6000.
American Insurance Company of Amsterdam, New York, F. B. Beddome, agent.
Bank of Montreal, John Fraser, agent, Ridout st.
Bank of Upper Canada, James Hamilton, agent, Ridout st.
Britannia Life Assurance Company, Alfred G. Smyth, agent.
British America Fire and Marine Insurance company, W. W. Street, agent.
British Commercial Life Assurance Company, H. C. Hughes, agent,
Canada Life Assurance Company, W. W. Street, agent.
Colonial Life Assurance Company, Charles Monsarrat, agent.
Columbus Insurance Company, Henry Groves, agent.
Equitable Fire Insurance Company, James Hamilton, agent.
iEtna Insurance Company of tJtica, Alexander Macdonald, agent.
Empire State Insurance Company of Saratoga Springs, New York, Lambkin and Scovell,
Fanners' and Merchants' Insurance Company of Rochester, New York, Lambkin and
Scovell, agents.
Franklin Insurance Company of New York, Lambkin and Scovell, agents.
Globe Insurance Company of London, England, D. J. Hughes, agent.
Gore Bank, W. W. Street, agent, Ridout st.
Hartford Insurance Company, Henry Groves, agent.
Hudson River Insurance Company of New York, Lambkin and Scovell, agents.
Kingston Fire and Marine Insurance Company, Alexander Macdonald, agent.
London Savings Bank, W. W. Street, actuary, Ridout st.
Merchants' Mutual Insurance Company of Buffalo, Joseph Franklin, agent.
National Loan Fund Life Assurance Society, James Hamilton, agent.
New York Protection Insurance Company, Henry Groves, agent.
North Western Insurance Company, Henry Groves, agent.
Poughkeepsie Insurance Company of New York, Lambkin and Scovell, agents.
St. Lawrence Insurance Company, Alexander Macdonald, agent.
Trenton Insurance Company of New Jersey, Lambkin and Scovell, agents.
United States Mutual and Joint Stock Insurance Company of New York, Joseph Frank-
lin, agent.
United States Insurance Company of Potsdam, Alexander Macdonald, agent.
Washington Insurance Company, Henry Groves, agent.