Page 126 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 126

LINDSAY—L'ISLET—LLOYDTOWN.                    135
                     ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF  PROFESSIONS,  TRADES,  &c.
       VINCENT, C.  R., dealer  in  dry goods,  groceries, books, stationery, music,  &c,  agent  for
           Appleton  & Co., and other New York  publishing houses.
       Adams, Richard,  shoemaker.       Hall, William,  cabinetmaker.
       Alcorn, T.  C.,  M. D.            Haskell, B. A.,  bailiff.
       Barrie, James, tailor.             Hunting, William, saw mill.
       Brooks, Charles, general store.    Kenniston, J.,  cabinetmaker.
       Carron, G.,  blacksmith.           Mears, Mrs., ladies' school.
       Chapman, James,  carpenter.        Olivier, J.,  shoemaker.
      Cusning, T. P., general store.     Weaver, Elijah,  innkeeper.
       Dooliltie,  Rev. Lucius, Church  of England.  Webster, G.,  brewer.
      Fuller, Lewis, general store.
       A VILLAGE  situated in the Township  of Ops, County of Peterborough,  C. W.—distant from Peterboro,
       28 miles—usual  stage fare,  3s. 9d.  Population  about 550.
       CULBERT,  D., postmaster  and commissioner  of court  of Queens'  Bench.
       Allanby, John,  M. D.             Keenan, Thomas,  merchant.
       Bigelow, Hiram, merchant, miller and wharfinger.  Killen, Samuel, tailor.
       Britton, Charles, merchant.       Lee,  Samuel, ploughmaker.
       Bird, Thomas,  M. D.              Lermon, George, merchant.
       Carey,  , carpenter.              McDonnell, William,  merchant.
       Clark, Thomas, brewer.            Mitchell, John, innkeeper  and stage owner.
       Conroy,  , blacksmith.            Mortimer,  , shoemaker.
       Culbert,  Elijah,  tinsmith.      Murphy, Jeremiah,  blacksmith.
       Culbert,  Mrs. E.,  dressmaker.   Oakley, Thomas, shoemaker.
       Culbert, William,  carpenter.     O'Leary, Jeremiah,  innkeeper.
       Chisholrn, Rev. James,  Roman  Catholic.  Roche, George, merchant,
       Dunsford,  George, attorney  at law.  Rowe  & Cotton, steamboat owners.
       Dohenny, John,  innkeeper.        Sanderson, Rev. John,  Wesleyan.
       Diment, John,  shoemaker,         Sharp, Rev. Robert,  Presbyterian.
       Elliot,  . waggonmaker.           Smith, John,  distiller.
       Fidler, Josiah,  M. D.            Talman,   , blacksmith.
       Margraves, Miss, dressmaker.      Thompson, Andrew,  carpenter.
       Johnson, John, tailor.            Tye,  John,  shoemaker.
       A VILLAGE  situated  in  the County of L'Islet,  48 miles below Quebec, on the South  Shore  of the River
       St. Lawrence.
                     ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF PROFESSIONS,  TRADES,  &c.
       Aubert, Benoni, flour mill*       Gamache, Isaac, boarding  house and  lime kilns.
       Autille, Charles, carding  mill.  Gagn6, Ignace, tannery.
       Ballantyne, Duncan S., postmaster  and land  sur-  Grenier, Charles 0.,  general store.
        veyor.                           Harrower,  Captain  Charles.
       Casgrain,  Oliver E.,  seignior and mill owner.  Jiasson, Jean F., general store and ashery.
       Cloutier, Captain  Benoni.        Jiasson,  Germain, general store.
       Delage, Miss, general store.      Martin, Vincent, M.  D., commissioner  of court.
       Delage, Rev. F. X., Roman  Catholic.  Pagnette, Maxime, general store.
       Dominique, Samuel  R., deputy  registrar.  Pouliot, Barthelemi, general store and ashery.
       Fafard,  Joseph, general store and  ashery.  Proteau, J. B., miller.
       Fortin, Captain Charles,  mayor.   Proteau, Joseph,  miller.
       Foumier, Pierre C., clerk of commissioners court.  Verault, Germain,  notary.
       A  VILLAGE  in the Township  of King, County  of  York, C. W.—distant  from  Toronto, 36 miles—usual
       •tage fare, 5s.  Population about 400.
                     ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF  PROFESSIONS, TRADES,  &c.
       Armstrong, George,  school  master.  Casey, John, tailor.  •
       Boddy, William,  boot and shoemaker.  Cassidy, John,  cooper.
       Brown, Oarratt,  blacksmith.       Cummings, Jeremiah P., attorney at law. &c.
       Brown, Joseph,  boot and shoemaker.  Dearling, George,  chairniaker.
       Bull, Dr. Edward,  coroner.        Doyle, Hugh,  cooper.
       Burling, William,  brickmaker.     Duffies, Adam,  storekeeper.
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