Page 123 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 123


                       LAMBTON,     MILTON,   and MIMICO,
      Three  VILLAGES  situated  within a little over a mile  from  each other, on Dundas t, in the Township?
      of York and Etobicoke, County  of York, C. W.—Distant  from  Toronto,  8  miles.  Population  of the
      three Villages about 650.  N.B.—The  post  office  for the Villages is known  as Etobicoke, P. O.
      Bagnell, J. B., general store,  Mirnico.  Hickrnan, W., tailor,  Mimico.
      Bryan, John,  cooper, Milton.       Kitchen, J., mason, Mimico.
      Burkholder, John, waggonmaker,  Mimico.  Learmont, W., carpenter,  Milton.
      Cooper, Rev. H., Church  of England,  Mimico.  Lougheed,  , carpenter,  Milton.
      Creach, M., carpenter,  Mimico.     McConnell, John, temperance inn, Milton.
      Dawson, Joseph, waggonmaker,  Mimico.  McLean,  Alexander,  mason,  Mimico.
      Dealtry, W., butcher,  Mimico.      Mahaff'ey,  William,  blacksmith,  Mimico.
      Duncan, J. W., carpenter,  Mimico.  Milne, Thomas, shoemaker,  Milton.
      Dash, Peter,  cooper,  Lambton.     Montgomery, Thomas, innkeeper,  Mimico.
      Fisher,  Thomas, miller,  Milton.   Mussen,  Edward,  lumber  merchant,  Mimico.
      Gamble,  William,  postmaster,  general  store,  Oliver, J. D., carpenter,  Milton.
       woollen  factory,  mill  owner  and lumber mer-  Paterson,  David,  shoemaker,  Mimico.
       chant,  Milton.                    Poole, Eli, waggonmaker,  Milton.
      Guppy,  Samuel, innkeeper,  Milton.  Porritt, R., shoemaker,  Mimico.
      Haines, James, innkeeper,  Milton.  Rogers, J. G., saddler,  Milton.
      Hembrough, M., butcher,  Mimico.    Rowell, W., blacksmith,  Milton.
      Ferrier, John,  baker,  Mimico,     Shanks, J. W., carpenter,  Milton.
      Hawley, L., shoemaker,  Milton.     Smith, Thomas, innkeeper,  Mimico.
      Howland, W., miller,  store  keeper  and  distiller,  Stuart, John,  cooper,  Milton.
       Lambton.                           Tindall, R., innkeeper,  Lambton.
      Hickey,  William, tailor,  Milton.  Wolfe,  Mrs., innkeeper,  Lambton.
      A  VILLAGE  situated  in the Township  of Lanark,  and County  of Lanark, C. W.—distant  from  Perth,
      11 miles—usual  stage fare, 5s.  Popidation  about 300.
      GEMMILL, J. K., printer and publisher  of the  Lanark  Observer.
      HALL,  JOHN,  postmaster.
      Buffam,  Samuel,  innkeeper,       James, Robert, tailor,
     Caldwell,  B.  & J.,  general  merchants,  No. 1,  Kelly, J.  C , & Co., fanning  mill-makers.
       George st,                        Lamont,  Joseph,  hotelkeeper.
     Caldwell,  Alexander, lumber  merchant.  Livingston, John,  tailor.
     Craig, John,  carriagemaker.        Mclnnes,  Alexander,  waggonmaker.
     Craig, Adam, cooper.                McLaren,  Peter,  grammar  school  teacher.
     Craig,  , beef  and pork  inspector,  Mair,  John,  boot and shoemaker.
      Dobie, Thomas,  blacksmith.        Mair, James, & Son, general  merchants,  No. 3,
     Dobie, William,  boot and shoemaker.  George st
     Drysdale, James,  cabinetmaker,     Maxwell,  Daniel,  carpenter.
     Drysdale, Robert,  cabinetmaker.    Monahan, William,  beef and  pork  inspector.
     Fraser, Rev.  Thomas, Church of Scotland,  Monroe, Alexander, M, D., chemist and druggist,
     French,  Francis.,  tailor.           No.  6, George st.
     Gallinger, J., blacksmith  and horseshoer.  Robertson, William, joiner.
     Gallinger, Jacob,  axemaker.        Smith, John,  tanner and dealer in harness.
     Gemmill, James, joiner and cabinetmaker. •  Wilson, Thomas, spirit  dealer.
     Hall, J. & F., general merchants, No, 5, George st  Wilson, Thomas,  boot and shoemaker.
     Hall, A. G., clerk and accountant   Wright, John,  housepainter.
     James, John,  house  carpenter.
     A VILLAGE  situated in the Township of Lancaster,  County  of Glengarry, on the river St. Lawrence—
     distant  from  Montreal, 66 miles, from  Cornwall,  16 miles.  Population about 220.
     CAMERON,  ALLAN,  farmer,  about 2 miles below the village.
     MCBAIN,  WILLIAM,  dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware,  crockery  and provisions.
     MCDONALD, R. S., lumber  merchant.
     MCEDWARD, WILLIAM, dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery, provisions,&c.
     MCEDWARD,  ALEXANDER,  farmer  and dealer  in dry goods,  groceries,  hardware,  provi-
         sions, drugs, &c.
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