Page 125 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 125


      Lonsdale. Rev. R., Church of England.  Portelance, L. H. Roi, tavernkeeper, St. Igr.aeeBt.
      Menard,  Paul T., shoemaker.        Rivers, J., shoemaker,  St. Ignace st.
      Mingy, Rev. J. M., Roman  Catholic.  Rattel, Joseph, wheelwright, old St. Johns  road.
      Moussette, Antoine, .tavernkeeper, Ste. Marie st.  Sasseville, Joseph, tinsmith, St. Ignace st.
      Nish, William, brewer, St.  Ignace st.  St. Germain, J. B., saddler, St. Ignace st.
      Normandin.  C ,  blacksmith.        Sylvester, H., hardware, &c, Ange  Gardien st.
      Pagnuel, John, tinsmith, Ste. Marie st.  Thomson, J., & Co., general dealers, St. George st.
      Pettel, N., shoemaker, St. George st.  Tramble, J., blacksmith,  old St. John st.
      Philips, Robert, tavernkeeper, St. Ignace  st.  Vall6e, Dr. William, St. Ignace st.
      Plante, L., tailor, St. Ignace st.  Vignon, Rev. F., Roman  Catholic.
        TOWN  COUNCIL.—J.  B. Varin, mayor;  John  Dunn,  Dr. A. T. Alexander,  T.  Sauvageau,  Louis
       Demers, Leon  Brosseau,  Barnabe  Barbeau,  councillors.
                                  LA  TORTUE,
      A  VILLAGE  situated in the Seigniory of Lasalle, County of Huntingdon,  C. E.—distant from  Montreal
      15 miles—usual  stage  fare in winter,  5s.—in summer, 3s.  Population  about, 500.
                     ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF PROFESSIONS,  TEABES,  &e.
       MOREAU,  LAURENT  AUGUSTE,  J. P.,  notary  public,  carding  and  fulling  machinery,
          and  flour  and  saw  mills.
      Boir, Edouard,  innkeeper.           Demeule, Charles, blacksmith., Francois Xavier,  general store.  Fauteux, Joseph, sleighmaker  and joiner.
      Cleghorn, William, commissioner of small causes.  Pinsonneault,  Alfred,  (of  Montreal,)  LaTortiw
       Demeule,  Frangois,  J. P. and  commissioner of  model  farm.
        small causes.                     Racicot,  Charles, blacksmith.

       A  VILLAGE  situated in the Township of Stukely, County  of ShefTord, C. E.—distant  from  Melbourne.
      2t  miles—from  Sherbrooke, 25 miles—from  Waterloo,  12 miles.
      LAWRENCE,  ERASTUS,  dealer  in  dry  goods,  groceries,  hardware,  & c ,  grist  mill  and
            pearl  ashery.
      Lawrence, P. H., blacksmith.         Lawrence, H., junior,  carpenter and joiner.
      Lawrence, H., pail and tub factory.  Smith, Jessie,  cooper.

      A  VILLAGK  and Seigniory  situated on the River St. Lawrence, in the County of Berthier, C. E.—dis-
      tant  from  Montreal, 30 miles.  Population  of the Seigniory about 1100.
                     ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF  PROFESSIONS,  TRADES, &c.
       Bondy, Agapite D., M. D.  '       [  Hetu,  Captain  Joseph.
      Bourgeau, Pierre, general  store.   Laviolette, Captain  Pierre.
      DupleSsis,  Norbert  L.,  notary  public  and post-  Lesiege dit Lafontaine, Michel, stage house.
        master.                           Marcotte, Jean  Baptiste Hercule, M. D.
      Gravelle, Joseph,  miller.          Vinet, Maxime, general store.
      H6tu, Captain Jean  Baptiste.
      A VILLAGE  situated in the Township of Ascot, County of Sherbrooke, C. E.—distant  from  Sherbrook«,
      3 miles—from  Montreal, 98 miles.
                                  BISHOP'S  COLLEGE.
      Rev. J.  H .  Nicholls, M. A.,  principal  and  professor  of divinity.
      H.  Miles, A. M., vice-principal  and  professor  of mathematics.
      E.  Chapman, B. A.,  professor  of classical  literature.
      Rev. J.  Hellmuth,  professor  of Hebrew, &c.
      Rev. L.  Doolittle, bursar.
                                 COLLEGIATE SCHOOL.
      Rev.  J.  Butler,  head  master;  T.  Willis,'drawing  master;  M.  Charbonnel,  singing
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