Page 122 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 122
Courville, C , lavernkeeper. Morton, John, keeper of Queen's ferry.
Cowan, John, lumber merchant. Murphy, Michael, Lachine temperance house.
Davidson, L, tailor and clothier. Par6, Joseph, baker.
Deschamps, Paul, hotelkeeper. Par6, Louis, baker.
Fahey, John, grocer. Par6, Francois, baker.
Finlayson, Duncan, agent Hudson's Bay Company. Picafd, Charles, blacksmith.
Flanagan, Rev. John, Church of England. Robertson, Alexander, grocery.
Gariepy, Louis, grocer. Ross, G. W., general store.
Kane, James, boot and shoemaker. Simpson, Rev. William, Church of Scotland.
Kerr, John, hardware and grocery store. Smith, Edward, baker and grocer.
Landry, Simon, boot and shoemaker. Smith, Margaret, dry goods.
Lariviere, , shoemaker. Sweeney, George, general store.
Madore, Olivier, grocery and provision store. Wetherall, Captain J. B.
Morrison, John, ploughmaker and general smith.
A VILLAGE situated on the North River, a tributary- of the Ottawa, 'in the Seigniory of Argenteuil,
County of Two Mountains, C. E.—distant from Montreal, 45 miles, from St. Andrews, 6 miles.
HILLS, SAMUEL, J. P., farmer and tannery.
Birch, Alva, innkeeper and saw mills. Lane, Milo, innkeeper.
Brunton, John, general store. Meikle, John, general store and postmaster.
Christie, Dr., physician. Orr, Samuel, general store.
Clark, Leonard, fulling and carding mills. Palliser, Thomas, blacksmith.
Colcman, Rev. F., Wesleyan. Quinn, Owen, crown lands agent.
Hamilton, John, saddler. Scott, Rev. William, Presbyterian.
Henry, Rev. W., Church of Scotland. Walden, Linas, carpenter.
Kneeshaw, Robert, agent for seigniory and mana- Wilson, William, blacksmith.
ger of the grist mill.
A VILLAGE situated in the Seigniory of Lacolle, County of Huntingdon, C. E.—distant from Montreal,
38 miles—usual stage fare, in winter, 7s Gd, in summer, 10s. Population about 500.
GORDON, THOMAS, collector of customs.
HEWSON, THOMAS, general smith—work done on the shortest notice, at reasonable terms.
O'CONNOR, PATRICK, dealer in groceries, hardware, dry goods, provisions, and country
Force, Alonzo, dealer in groceries, dry goods, hardware and country produce.
Kemp, Thomas, & Co., dealers in cord wood,groceries, hardware, dry goods and country-
Bachant, Toussaint, dry goods store. Leclere, Pierre, blacksmith.
Bartlett, Lewis, carpenter and builder. Lord, Dr. Henry T.
Douglass, R. & D., general store. Lussier, Christopher, blacksmith.
Dykeman, Dr. Abraham. Manning, David, carriagemaker.
Ennis, Stephen, innkeeper. March, Thomas J., grocer.
Featherston, William, tanner and currier. March, Edward, commissioner of court for small
Hotchkiss, Alonzo, hotel. causes.
Hotchkiss, Merritt, grist and saw mills. Miller, L. S., clerk of court.
Hoyle, Robert, saw mill. Morice, Rev. Charles, Church of England.
Jackson, John, shoemaker. Nicoll, WilJiam, innkeeper.
Kirkland, David, shoemaker. Noel, Peter, painter and glazier.
Laroche, Joseph, blacksmith. Scale, Thomas, tailor.
Larue, Francois, shoemaker. Vanvleit, T., postmaster.
Lasure, Rev. J., Roman Catholic. Vanvleit, Alvin, tanner and shoemaker.
A small VILLAGE, situated in the Township of Brandon, County of Berthier, C. E.—distant from Mon-
treal, 60 miles. Population of the Township about 2000.
Armstrong, James & Lewis C , mill owners. Dequoye dit Picard, Rev. J., Roman Catholic.
Bethune, John G., M. D. Girardin, C. P. D. O., mill owner.
Chalut, Joseph O., notary. Monday, Bernard, commissioner of court for
Dame, A., M. D., clerk of court of small causes. small causes.
Defoy, Augustin, notary. Morrison, William, general store.