Page 130 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 130

LONDON.                            139
      CARRY,  JAMES,  wholesale  and retail  grocery  and provision  store, Dundas st.
      COLOVIN,  M., general  merchant, 33 Dundas st.
      COTTRELL,  GEORGE,  auctioneer,  commission  merchant,  and land  agent,  office,  Covent
          Garden  Market.
      DANIELL,  JAMES,  barrister  and attorney  at law, King st.
      DAR,CH,  JAMES F'., manufacturer  and- dealer  in every  description  of  saddlery, harness,
          trunks, &c, Dundas st.
      DARCH,  ROBERT,  saddler, harness and trunkmaker,  Dundas st.
      DEADMAN,  JAMES  D., house,  sign and  ornamental  painter,  corner  of King  and  Ridout
      DEWEY,  WILLIAM, working gold and silversmith,  and jeweller,  from  London, (England),
          6  doors  east  of Robinson  Hall—all  kinds  of repairs  neatly  executed.
      DIXON  & SON, hat, cap and fur manufacturers, 27 Dundas st.
      EMERY,  EDWARD,  auctioneer  and  farmer,  Westminster  Township, P. O. address, Lon-
      ESSERY, W. H., ladies' and  gentlemen's  boot  and  shoe  store, Dundas  st. s  opposite the
      FRASER, JOHN,  agent  of Bank  of Montreal,  Ridout st.
      FREE  PRESS,  THE, newspaper, W. Sutherland,  publisher,  Talbot st.
      GILL, W.  C ,  attorney  at law and land  agent,  office,  Courthouse.
      GILLEAN, JAMES,  bookseller  and stationer, 61 Dundas  st.—a  good stock of books and sta-
          tionery  of all kinds, constantly  for sale upon  favorable  terms.
      GLASS,  WILLIAM,  grocer and tea dealer, Dundas st.
      GLEN,  WILLIAM,  dealer  in groceries, wines, spirits and provisions, Dundas st.
      GLEN,  JAMES,  tailor  and clothier, Dundas  st.'—keeps  always on hand, west  of England,
          broad  cloths, cassimeres, vestings, &c.  Riding  habits and military  clothing  made to
          order  on short notice.
      GOODHUE, HON. GEORGE, M. L.  C , postmaster,  office,  Ridout st.
      GRAHAM, J. M., bookseller  and stationer, 25 Dundas  st.—a  choice  stock  of  books and
          stationery  of every  description  always  on hand, and for sale  on moderate  terms.
      GUNN  & GORDON,  staple and fancy  dry  goods warehouse, 35 Dundas st.
      HART, D. W., general printing  office,  Ridout st.
      HENDY  &. CARTER, importers  of staple and fancy  dry goods, 62 Dundas si, opposite the
      HOPE,  BIRRELL  & Co., general  merchants  and importers, 17,19, and 21, Dundas st.
      HQRTON,  WILLIAM,  barrister  and attorney  at law, and commissioner  of court of Queen's
          Bench, Ridout st.
      HORTOP, T., butcher,  stall No. 3, Covent  Garden  Market,  Dundas st.
      HUTCHINSON,  CHARLES,  law  student, Ridout  st.
      JARMAN,  WILLIAM, copper,  zinc, tin and sheet  iron worker, Richmond st, near M'Fee's
          corner,  roofing,  guttering, hot air works and steam  pipes, fitted up on short  notice.
      KORDES,  HERMAN,  professor  and teacher  of music, Talbot st.
      LABATT  & ECCLES, ale and porter  brewers,  south end of Simcoest.
      LAWSON  & BURGESS,  staple  and fancy  dry goods warehouse,  11 Dundas st.
      LAWRASON  & CHISHOLM,  importers  of dry goods,  groceries, hardware,  crockery, &c.,
          corner  of Dundas and Talbot sts.
      LAWRASON,  LAURENCE,  (of the firm of L. & C.,) residence, east end of Dundas st.
      LEONARDJE.,  & Co., manufacturers  of tin, copper  and sheet  iron wares,  and dealers in
          stoves, patent  pumps, &c, of all kinds, Dundas st.
      LEONARD, E., iron  founder,  and machine  factory,  Ridout st.
      MCBRIDE,  SAMUEL,  manufacturer  of  tin, copper  and  sheet  iron ware,  and  dealer  in
          stoves, patent  pumps, &c,  Ridout  st—job  work  attended  to on short  notice.
      MCDONALD, D., jun., dealer in staple  and fancy  dry goods, 43 Dundas st.
      MCDOWALL,  JOHN, Freemasons Arms hotel, Blackfriars  bridge, Ridout  st.—the brethren
          of the order  will find here  good  accommodations  and choice wines and liquors.
      MCINTOSS, J. G., & Co., importers of  staple and fancy  dry goods,  hosier}", gloves, &c,
          57 Dundas st.
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