Page 124 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 124
MCNICOL, DONALD, farmer and carriagemaker—all descriptions of vehicles made to order
in the best manner, and on reasonable terms.
Ross, MURDOCH, farmer and carriagemaker—all kinds of vehicles made to order in the
best style, and on moderate terms.
Beattie, Dr. Alexander. McNaughton, Donald, tailor.
Dunlop, James, tanner. McPherson, Kenneth, postmaster.
Dunlop, James, shoemaker. McPherson, Rev. Thomas, Church of Scotland.
Dunn, John, tailor. Maxwell, Archibald, shoemaker.
Finney, Peter, saw mills, about 1 mile below the Munro, Hugh, storekeeper.
village. Robinson, Dr/Charles.
Gillespie, William, blacksmith. Robinson, William, collector of customs.
MeCrimmon, Duncan, shoemaker. Ross, John, blacksmith.
Mclver, Roderick, shoemaker, Ross, Alexander, saddler and hamessmaker.
McLachlan, Kenneth, wood merchant. Ross, Donald, innkeeper.
McLean, Hugh, farmer and carriagemaker. Sangster, James, Lancaster house.
McLean, John, blacksmith. Steward, John, cabinetmaker.
McLennan, Alexander, tanner. Stuart, Archibald, innkeeper.
MeLeod, Robert, saddler and hamessmaker.
The VILLAGE of LANOBAIE is situated on the river St. Lawrence, in the Seigniory of the same name,
and County of Berthier, C. E.—distant from Montreal, 36 miles—usual steamboat fare, 3s-9d.
DUFOUR DIT LATOUR, TfflMOTHfi, notary public, and commissioner of court for small
Balthazar, Rev. Marie Joseph Melchior, Roman Laliberte, Andre, boarding house.
Catholic. Lafontaine, Louis Gonzague, commissioner of
Beaugrand dit Champagne, Capt. Eli. court of small causes.
Culhbert, Ross, seignior and mill owner. Marcotte, Louis, boarding house.
Dalcourt, Captain Alexis. Marion, Gonzague, boarding house.
Desrosier, Leopold, agent for seigniory. Mackercher, John, clerk commissioners court.
Faribault, Joseph Edouard, notary jniblic and Perrault, Joseph Fabien, general store.
mill owner. Perrault, Eugene, general store.
Heynemann, John, miller.
A VILLAGE situated on the south shore of the river St. Lawrence, in the County of Huntingdon, C. E.
—distant from Montreal, 9 miles*—usual steamboat fare, 7-Jd—usual stage fare, 2s 6d. Population
•bout 1684.
CHARLETON, JOHN, postmaster, dealer in hardware, groceries, crockery, &c, St. Ignace st.
DEMERS, RAPHAEL, innkeeper, Ange Gardien st.
DUPR£, J. B. ERIC, dealer in dry goods, hardware, groceries, & c , Ste. Marie st.
GARIEPY, E., hardware, groceries and general provision store.
SAUVAGEATJ, A. & T., distillers and general merchants.
VARIN, J. B., notary public and mayor, Ange Gardien st.
Alexander, Dr. A. T., St. George st. Durangeau, P. C , advocate.
Barbeau, Louis, notary public, old St. Johns Esinhart, Andrew, innkeeper, old St. John st.
road. Gadoua, L., saddler, Ste. Marie st.
Bizaillon, Bizard, wheelwright, old St. John st. Goodsil, Ephraira, innkeeper, St. Ignace st.
Bogg, Mrs., milliner, old St. John st. Hawley, W. F., registrar, St. George st.
Boucher, C , painter. Hebert, Edward, baker, St. Ignace st.
Boucher, Mrs., dry goods store. Kearney, J., tavernkeeper, St. Ignace st.
Brossard, Dr., old St. John st. Kelly, A., tavernkeeper, St. Ignace st.
Brainerd, A. II., superintendent of Champlain and Lacombe, C , general dealer, Ste. Marie st.
St. Lawrence rail-road. Lanctot, Magloire, notary public, old St. John»
Brosseau, Julien, tavernkeeper, old St. John st. road.
Burrill, William, shoemaker, Ange Gardien st. Lanctot, T., tavernkeeper, St. Ignace st.
Couturier, Christophe,general dealer,Ste. Marie st. Laurier, Justinien, tanner, Ste. Marie st.
Dufresne, R., blacksmith, St. Ignace st. Leclere, B., shoemaker.
Dupuis, Baptiste, notary public, old St. Johns Lemire, Eustache, leather store, Ste. Marie st
road. Lefebvre, T., taverokeeper, old St. John st