Page 132 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 132
STEWART, W. M., (late Stewarts Brothers,) merchant tailor, in the new brick building
next to E. Adams, Dundas st.
STREET, W. W., agent Gore Bank, K-idout st.
SUTHERLAND, W., general printing office, Talbot st.
TALBOT, FREEMAN, county engineer and printer, over Mitchell's drug store, 53 Dundas st.
THOMPSON, D. M., barrister and attorney at law, Dundas st.
TYAS & WILLIAMS, importers of dry goods, groceries, china, glass, &c, Dundas st.—*
entrance to the market.
TIMES, THE, newspaper, D. W. Hart, publisher, Ridout st.
WANLESS, DR. JOHN, physician and surgeon, Dundas st.
WARE, D. T., & Co., watchmakers and jewellers, 31 Dundas st,—wholesale and retail
dealers in watches, clocks, jewellery, silver plate, &c.
WARING & THOMPSON, importers and dealers in staple and fancy dry goods, 47 Dundas s?f.
WHEELER, HENRY, baker and confectioner, E-idout st.
WHITEHOUSE, G., grocery and provision store, Dundas st.
WILLIAMS, J. L., chemist and druggist, 7 Dundas st.
WILSON, JOHN, M. P. P., barrister and attorney at law, King st.
WILSON & HUGHES, barristers and attornies at law, conveyancers, &c, King st.
WILSON, ROBERT, temperance variety store and dealer in dry goods, groceries, crockery,
books, stationery, &c, 63 Dundas st.
Abbott, A. S., collector of school tax, 4 North st. Ellis, E. P., cabinetmaker, Dundas st.
Allen, John, bootmaker, Dundas st. Elson, John, butcher, Covent Garden Market.
Allen, Thomas, bootmaker, Dundas st. Farrar, D., M. D., Ridout t
Anderson, Farrer & Moore, doctors, Ridout st. Fitzell & Elliott, general store, Dundas st
Anderson, M., & Co., Globe foundry,Richmond st. Franklin, J., land and general agent, Ridout st.
Ashton, G. W., bootmaker, Dundas st. Francis, Thomas, auctioneer.
Ashton, John, artist, Dundas st. Free school, Miss Haigh, N.Wilson, P. Murtagh,
Askin, J. B., clerk of peace, Court house. teachers.
Bailey, Rev. B., grammar school, King st. Gibbins, J., saddler and grocer, Dundas st
Barker, W., innkeeper and messenger to royal Glass, David, flour store, Dundas st
engineer office. Going, Dr. H., physician and surgeon, King st.
Barry, J., M. D., Dundas st. Grannis, Miss, school, Talbot st.
Uegg, W., bootmaker, Dundas st. Gray, W., innkeeper, King st.
Bentley, Robert, grocer, King st. Green, William, tailor, Dundas at., east.
Birrell^ John, residence, Dundas St., east. Green, Messrs., builders, D.undas st.,eaat
Bissell, W., cabinetmaker, Richmond st. Groves, H., general agent and auctioneer, York et.
Boyd, A., innkeeper, Richmond st. Gunn, Alexander, bootmaker, Ridout st.
Bonser, J., painter, Ridout st. Gurd, John, gunsmith, Dundas st.
Brilliard, E.-, cabinetmaker, Dundas st. Hall, William, tailor, 55 Dundas st
Buckley, T. H., grocer, Dundas st. Hamilton, Alexander, barber, Dundas st.
Burke, Mrs., innkeeper, Dundas st. Hamilton, James, agent Bank of Upper Canada,
Burns, P., printer, JJundas st. Ridout st.
Caddy, J. H., land agent, &c, Ridout st Hamilton, William, provision store, Ridout st.
Carter, T., innkeeper, Wellington st. Hamilton, James, sheriff, office, Court house.
Chisholm, H., residence east Dundas st. Hart, R., tailor, Dundas st.
Clark, W., cabinetmaker, North st Hayden, Mrs., dressmaker, Richmond st.
Clinch, J. B., Richmond st. Hay ton, J., innkeeper.
Clissold, A., provision store, Dundas st Haskett, Thomas, painter, Wellington st.
Code, Thomas, carpenter, Talbot st Henderson, Mrs., milliner, King st.
Collins, J., bootmaker, King st Hicks, John, bootmaker, Dundas st
Combs, Henry, cabinetmaker, King st. Higgins, JB., innkeeper, Dundas st.
Ooote, John, livery stable, Dundas st. Hineman, E., grocer, Richmond st
Cox, B. & A., dry goods, Dundas st. Hiscox, T., livery stables, Dundas st.
Colovin, C, general store, 9 Dundas st. Holmes, Miss, ladies school, York st.
Craven, James, hair dresser, Dundas st. Holmes, M., carriagemaker, King st
Crookshank, J., cooper, Richmond st. Holmes, H., M. D., York st
Crosby & Dart, smiths, &c, Richmond st. Hughes, H. C , notary and insurance agent, York
Dalton, H., tallow chandler, Richmond st. st.
Darby, W., tailor, Richmond st. Hyman, E. N., tanner, Talbot st.
Davis, Henry, watchmaker, Ridout st. Irwin, E., innkeeper, Dundas st.
Devinny, W., baker, 42 Dundas st Jackson & Elliott, Eagle foundry, Ridout st.
Diamond, John, brewer and distiller, North st. Jeffrey & Sons, cabinetmakers, Dundas st.
Doyle, John, bootmaker, Richmond st. Jeanneret, J., watchmaker, Dundas st
Durand, William, bootmaker, D,undas st Jennings, John, livery stables, King st.
Egar, John, cabinetmaker, 26 Dundas st. Johnson, E., & Co., bootmakers, Dundas st.
Elliott, James, builder, Ridout st. Jones, A. B., grocer, Ridout st.