Page 131 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 131
MCVEAN, DUNCAN, tailor and draper, 5 Dundas st.—clothing made to order in superior
style, on short notice and moderate terms.
MACDONALD, ALEXANDER, land and general agent, publishes a printed list of all lands
&c, given to him for sale, which is sent free to applicants.—N. B., no sale, no
MAGPIE, DANIEL, & Co., wholesale and retail staple and fancy dry goods, Dundas st.
MACKLIN, J. C , wholesale grocery warehouse, North st.
MARSH, D. O., saddler and dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery, saddles,
harness, trunks, leather, &c, Eidout st.
MATHEWSON, HENRY, baker and confectioner, Dundas st.
MIDDLESEX PROTOTYPE, THE, weekly paper, F. Talbot, publisher, 53 Dundas st.
MITCHELL, B. A., chemist and druggist, 53 Dundas st.—a general assortment of paints,
oils, glass, dye stuffs, brushes, perfumery, &c, constantly on hand.
MOUNTJOY, R., & SONS, cabinetmakers and upholsterers, Dundas st.
MURPHY, D., dealer in groceries, provisions, &c, 23 Dundas st.
MILLS, WILSON, general merchant and importer, Ridout st.
NEWCOMBE, H. A., book, job and fancy printer, Robinson Hall buildings—ornamental
printing in colours, bronze, &c, neatly and promptly executed.
OCKLEY, V., Royal Exchange hotel, corner of Dundas and Wellington sts.—a very good
OLIVER, G., ladies' and gentlemen's boot and shoemaker, Dundas st.
O'NEIL, JOHN, Prospect House hotel, the new brick hotel near Blackfriars bridge—a
good house, and good liquors.
PARK & SCATCHERD, barristers and attornies at law, 9 Dundas st., London, and at
PATTINSON, CAPTAIN, residence, 3 miles from the town.
PETERS, F. W., butcher and distiller, Ridout st., and stall No. 6, Covent Garden Mar-
PHILIPS, JOHN, importer of staple and fancy dry goods, Dundas st.
PORTE, GILBERT, ladies' and gentlemen's boot and shoemaker, Dundas st.
RAYMOND, EDMUND, hat manufacturer and furrier, Ridout st.
REID, ROBERT, bookseller and stationer, 45 Dundas st.'—bookbinding and paper ruling
of every description done on the premises, National, classical, and other school
books, and standard works always on hand.
REYNOLDS & GORDON, grocery, wine, spirit and English porter merchants, agents for
Molson and Co's., Montreal whiskey, 30 Dundas st.
ROBINSON, JOSEPH, butcher, stall No. 7 Covent Garden Market.
ROWLAND, WILLIAM, Montreal boot and shoe store, Dundas st.—has always on hand a
good stock of boots, shoes, ready made clothing, &c.
RIDOUT, LIONEL, 41 Dundas st.—importer of English and American fancy and heavy
hardware, which he offers either wholesale or retail on advantageous terms.
ROSE, HUGH, grocer and tea dealer, 51 Dundas st.
SHANLEY, JAMES, jun., barrister at law, master and deputy registrar in chancery, office,
Ridout st.
SHAW & VENNOR, importers of English and American hardware, saddlery, carpenters
tools, &c, and agents for Montreal cut nails and wool carding machines, 67
Dundas st.
SMITH, J. & N., Hope hotel, 46 Dundas st.
SMITH, WILLIAM, watchmaker and jeweller, Dundas st.
SMITH, F., wholesale and retail grocer, Dundas st.
SMITH, ROGER, grist mill owner, residence, Ridout st.
SMYTH, A. G. & J. B., wholesale and retail dealers in teas, wines, liquors, fruits, oils,
crockery, glassware, &c, 13 Dundas st.
SMYTH, JOHN, Royal Exchange hotel, Ridout st.—a comfortable and convenient house.
SOPER, W. H., gunsmith, sign of the, " big gun," Ridout st.—gunsmithing and rifle
making in all their branches attended to, trap making, stamp cutting, &c, &c, car-
ried on.