Page 17 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 17
(lj Registry or Deed\, Dublin, 2i7.?8O.l7iS34.
(2) INicnulls rluad Dsi,in, mi? r~.:;i,~n,~.; :., ihviio (London b Toronto, 18771,
:ip. 173-225.
(3i '~<l.i;n ::,~:,:,c: ip:i~:,- to ii1.I- (Appendix to 3gth Report of the Deputy
Ke~i:er of the Puhlic re card^), Yo1 11, p. 514; iric?io?l-y of Ccmdi~n Zioor~pliy
[hereinafter nr!), yol. r. p. 360. On the day of his marriagp Arthur sold the
MIIWP!~ projlerries nc had inherited hy rirtue of his mother'5 mrriage settlemer,t
to A;!-ert Maxucll of Dublin, Attorney, for L150. He retained the third interest in
Deerpark. Reg. Oeedr tlZ.503.41g16i. Maxwell is listed in thp wc!,ia ALrn<:r2,-;l at
43. Ynrk Stlee!, lluhlin in lBD5.
!Ij rtlc ledie ,was not registered, but Paul Sparling war a freeholder at
llykll n I He assigned the lands to his son5 Benjamin, Thomas, and Paul
ln IB2l. (Keg. needs 769.3112.521637) In Dunkerrin churchyard is a stone to
"Oenjalnin :parllng who ne:d this Life April the 1 6 1760 ~figd 76 years" and his wife
and ion. Three iarli of Eenjamin Sparling of Ballinakill are lives in a lpare Of
1745 111ention~4 in the lioicred rent r~ll 1769 (NLI, reel P.5553).
(5) Davln, r:,: i~i.:i.:.,?.: ;ti icrmh. p. 324.
(6) ~lal~idt~or~s Hoscrea vritry book, 1813 and 1R17.
(i) PROL. 1811 Census, Sallybrirt Barony, rings Co.: Seirkeirnn parish,
Fanrraft townland, haoirl~old no. ;'3. T*;o "House Servants'', loale and female, lived
with the family in n two-storey ilouse.
(fi] Rrchiv~s natianalec du Quebec, Montreal, N-8 Doucet, notaire, n? 12423.
(9) r4C, reel C-718. pp. ?1)91-2082. On places of oriqin of Burton: gravestone
at Hazeldean, Ontario; Sn8itIl: !.:,*i,nr; !ria) 70~::~ icl,n:a (1976). p. 1026, cn!. 1
and Dauin, :;, :.. ,>r,,.?.lr;, p. 315: 4bbatt: :ri+ r;'~ri;o:~i'st, Yol. 5, No. 6,
RCV. 19i9. P. 710; Drldhunt. Shinron~ register, PROI.
110: 1R31 ceniu- of Montreal, PAC, reel C-5941, p. 91
(11) Letter.. Hdyrr married Anna Spar1in;'r sister Jane in 1811. PRlil. Index to
Killaloe YLB.
(121 Dauin, -1.. irv::,riv iri ::nnii, o. 324; :.:-c, X, p, 360.
(13) Archives natlonalei, Montreal. regliter of Christ Church, Inontreal.
4 t , X, p. 360.
(15) Patrons' Directory (F!cpran Tup.! to H. Belden 8 Co.'s i!:~stt,z*,.! n;:r?v:csl
,l?.lo: ,,:" -),,- ~"osz~,~!: 0;' r,:??~ ?,w, t!,;fzr,;'. i 1879), p, 48.
(16) Carleton '0. deed no. 1075.
(17) :!'id., no. 1080, Septenlber 13, 1836.