Page 18 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 18

(18)  TtiL.,  no.  1291.
                                (19)  4ccount  book  of  Arthur  Hopper's  store  in Huntley,  1836-39,  courtesy  of
                              Mrs.  Evelyn O'Neill of Ottawa;  John  L.  Gour-lay,  Histor9  of  ::-- .i!.:ir;   v.r;i.:,
                              (Ottawa,  18961,  p.  29;  DCB, X,  p.  360.
                                120)  Hopper  account  book,  no.  163.
                                171)  :bid.,  no.  107.
                                122)  PAC,  RG68,  General  Index  to  the  Registrar  General,  see  Key  volulw  under
                              ''H0~8perviI le".
                                (23)  Bytown  Gazette.  October  25,  1837,  p.  3.  col.  3;  leonnrd  L.  Johnson  &  Rt.  Rev
                              Robtirt  Jefferson,  Faith or  c-ir  rat:!;rs  (Ottawa,  19571,  pp.  16-17.
                                124)  hst,  ir,~.-tt.~, February  28,  1838,  p.  3.  c.  3-4;  Ottawa  Diocesan  Archive:,
                              March  parish  register.  "01.  22,  p.  18.
                                (25)  Davin.  T4e  ir<ahmon <n Conoh,  p.  324.
                                126)  il.8. X,  p.  360.
                                1271  Hopper  account  book,  possim..  and  Carleton  Co.  deed  no.  1466,  August  29,
                              18311,  for  L206  cy.
                                1281  Hopper  account  book,  nos. 107,  123,  165.
                                129)  ;bid.,  nor.  91,  106,  121.  129.
                                130)  Carieton  Co.  deeds  nor.  2128,  2129.
                                131)  ibid..  nos.  2769.  2770.
                                l:3Zi  :hid.,   no.  2772  and  PAC,  1842  census  of Huntley,  reel  C-1344.
                                (331 ?Ed.,  no.  0160.  January  19,  1855.
                                (341  .r::,i.,   no.  4465,  December  20,  1845.   The  sale,  for  L300,  involved  Lot  27,
                              C0nl:ession  1  and  Lot  27,  Concession  A,  Rideau  Front,  Nepean.   The  Hoppers  were  still
                              in Huntley  on  Oecember  27.
                                (35)  Carleton  Co.  deeds  nor.  4467,  4468,  3385,  Upril  27,  1847.
                                (361 Thomas  Hopper  to  Arthur  Hopper,  Edgbarton.  October  4,  1848.
                                (37)  Letter of Urn.  H.  Hopper  to Arthur  Hopper,  Sherbraake,  April  12,  1850.
                                (38)  Nepean  deed  no.  3710,  March  6,  1848.
                                (391 Unl.  H.  Hopper  to  Arthur  Hopper,  Sherbraake,  April  12,  1850.
                                (40)  Letter  of Mr.  Strong  to  Christopher  Armstrong,  Toronto,  December  4,  1850.
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