Page 14 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 14

Arthur  Hopper  in direct  line of  succersion.(721
                                 ill) Jane  b.  Bytawn  20  Jan.  1842,  war  living  in IRS2  with  her .incle  Uillia~r
                                     and  grandparents  in Nepean.   Married  Aug.  17,  1867  at Ottawa  Methodist
                                     Epi~copal Church  to Alexander  Nelson  of  Ottawa.(73)

                                     And  so  at least  Mrr.  Hopper  my  ver)  warm  friend,  almrt a  forte7  mather,
                                     has  passed  away  from  amongst  tile  living  and  ttie  grave  has  clo5ed  over  her.
                                     a  long  and  very  checkered  life,  eaten  into ay  disappointrnentr  and  trouble -
                                     and  whatever  sin5  or  follies  mly  have  been  hers  let us  hope  they  thave  all
                                     been  atoned  for  and  that  she  may  be  enjoyirlg  her  eternal  rest.(BOj
                               d.  William Hopper  war  baptized  in Roscrea  Cpr.  6,  181R.!8l)   In 1843  he  repurchased  his
                                  father's  store  in Huntley  from  credltorr,  but  shortly  after  his  marriage  on
                                 Aug.  14,  1845  to Hiss  Jane  Evans  of  Qichm-nnd(82)  he  sold  the  Huntley  property
                                 and  took  up  land  at Merivale  in fiepean  with  his  brother  Ldward.   A11  of  the
                                  family  still  at  home  lived with Willianl  and  his  family  initially, including  his
                                 brothers  Ldwavd  and  George,  and  niece  Jane,  until  they  "~arrled, and  his  parents
                                 Arthur  and  Anna.  Uhe~ the  Nepean  la~d war  divided  in 1847  Uilliam obtained
                                 Lot  27,  Concession  1 Rideau  Front,  vhlle Edward  rece~ved Lot  27,  Concession  A.
                                 William  farmed  the  remainder  of  his  life.  and  died  at Merivale  Feb.  1'3,  1897  at
                                  the  age  of  79,  His  wife  Jane  died  'lay  30,  1884  aged  66.183)  They  had  six
                                   i) Arthur  b.  14  Jan.  I848,(84)  d.  young.
                                  ii) Williarn  David  b.  21  Ap!.  114?,(85)  d.  1928.  Married  Catherine  A.  Caldwell
                                     b.  1854,  d.  1943.
                                  lii) Eliia Maria  b,  r.1851.   Married  23  Sept.  1885  John  Gardener  Church.
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