Page 13 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 13
Towilihip qi.,en then: by Jane's brotiler Albert.(55) Herc liobert "kept store at
March Cornrr-i for a time, then dt old Stittrville, in the house huilt by Howard 8
Th011ipsnn."!56] They also appear to hare lived briefly in Richmond and Huntley.(51)
fir. Sproule die0 in March Toun5hip in 18A5, and by 1850 .lane was living in flytown,
teachillq school (here in 1852.(581 On Oct. 22, 1853 she remarried to John
Ilid5hury oi Mar:h.(59i formerly a farnler near Ratherhalll, Yorkshire, who ha6 come
nut Lo Canaoa sa:me tirile earlier and iniled in his attenllit :o becorn? a progressive
farmer; she ias his >rcoi<d wife. The couple later separated and Didsbury lived
vith lhiz son-in-law P.dam Acres in Huntley. and died Aug. 26. 1881. In 1867 Jane
rai resident on the market square in IJpper Town Ottarra, and it my be there that
rhs ran a boarding house in 1871. By 1681 the family had moved to the Hopper
neighiiournnod in Nepean. and on llou. 27. 1888 she died on Sherviaad Avenue in
Mount Shprwood. a suburb of Ottaua.(601 She had six children, all by her firrt
i) Tha,>las b. Nontreal li July 1832,(61] d. 28 Sept. 1877. He was Deputy
P~gistrdr of Carleton County, no doubt recruited by the Registrar, who war
hi5 uncle. Joilrl Pluiinler Al.deroif Soroule. Thorlas married Rebecca Watson and
had tllree children.
ii) Antlie b. Cormall c.l8?6, d. 6 Feb. 1910. Married ? Dec. 1865 James
'redtrick Farley of art Ottawa mercantile family. (62)
iiV) hrthur 3. b. lilliamrtoun c.1630. .Jeweller of Ottawa lfldl. d. 29 Maj 1898.
iv! Vary err, nrlesoif b. kliiliamstoun 19 Nor. 1839,(631 d. 11 Oct. 1931
l!arried il: --- Brown (21 Williaill P. Mcfarlane.
V) .lane b. March Twp. <..1842, d. 3 Apr. 1879 unm.
vil '%ria b. probably in Marcll Twp. 16 Feb. 1844;(64) prohably d. jaurlg,
b. Prthur Happer IY b. January 24, 1812.(65) By 1841 he war a jeweller nr~d watch-
rllaier in Lover Sytown; jh6) it is renlotely possible that an advertiieillent for
tisir bl>iineii in 1836 war placed by hi, father, but if so then :he latter very
shortly aftel-wa4i renlored to Huntley leaving the Bytown burinesr to Prthur Jr, (671
The son married a wa~llarl named Ellen, but dled an Sept. 4, 1843 at Caledonia
Sprirrgr, U. I. i6Rl rhe-e he had no doubt gone ta take tile waters for the bellefit
of failing lhralth; he was "weak in Sody" when he *rote hir will in June. We left
his tools to his father, then resident in Huntley, and instructed that the rest
of his property is sold. He appointed his father, his brather Albert, and his
brother-in-law Robert A. Sproule guardians of his ctiildrcn. stipulating that they
were to be left to tt~e care of tneir nother "so long as properly taken care or,
but tu he educated and apprenticed when the time ;arne.!bg) Vhat became of the
mother is not known, and by la52 the children were being raised by relar-ves.
Art!lur Hopper Jr. and Ellen had three children:
il Inn Ellen b. c. 1837. Married May 9, 1861 Jmes Oarraugh, farmer of March
Twp. (70)
li] Arthur Hoppel V, b.~.lsAO. He and Anrl were ralied by their uncle Albert.
Arthur married Aug. 12. 1869 Letitia Johmton of Rarch Twp(i11 and at
first farmed vith his reiatives in NeDean, but after a feu Years moved to
Pembroke where he worked ai a labourer and carter. 4 ion war the sixth