Page 21 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 21
(R?] Mrs. R. i, inldrt, A 5J:ort R<st.or.s of Cit~ VCsh and !le~isn::~ !1944), P. 19.
(90) Thomai Hayes to Arthur Hopper, Poscrea, July 4, 1862.
19i) imdrt, firy i:.~, .ind,v~rivalr, pp. 23-24.
(92) Marrjed pari-h of Richnlond.
(93) Baptized in Richmond and Ottawa Anglican churches.
4 : ;.-?so, February 19. 1897; father's will, Cdrleton County
S~irrogate Court will reqister "EP. p. 75 (1886).
(95) Death rlatice of an infant son, aged 4 mos., 9tt.n Tr..?e Preen. December I.
!16) .?',I..I~ r;.-.s. Aoril 27, 1866.
(Q7) kart, ?:,, vi.:,,? .T,I~ k!e~im%e, p. 24.
(93) ! :-: ::.:: CCV.~~.,.., February 6, 1851
(99) baptized parish cf Perth. 'Jttawa Diocesan Archives, Yol. 46, p. 78.
(:PO) Undated nevspaDer cuttings courtesy Hirr Lois Long, Nepean.