Page 12 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
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my  power  to  do  any  thing  in the  matter  for  you  -  nlore  Especially  as  it would  be  for
                              the  interest  of  my  Cousin  Jane."   He  continued:
                                 You  are  no*  old  as  you  Say,  and  blessed  with  !,!any  years  which  Should
                                 make  your  Sons  and  daughter  proud  of  such  a  Father,  whose  grey  Hairs
                                 ,are  going  vi th  Honour  to  you  and  them  ta  the  grave.   You  have  done
                                 well  for  thm and  placed  thee!!  in position R  prospects  beyond  lllany  rho
                                 had  Equal  opportunity  and  they  should  be  very  thankful. (45)
                             Yet  the year  before,  on  May  2,  1868,  his  wife  Anna  had  died  at  the  age  of  83,  and
                             Artt#u~, now  85,  was  feeling  the  weight  of  his years,  although  hir  health  of  late
                              had  been  relatively  good.   He  wrote  his  cousin Arthur  in England  lamenting  that  he
                              had  not  done  well  and  that  the  family  was  in hard  circumstanies.(46)   He  suffered
                             a  paralytic  stroke  the  next  year,  and  although  his  confidence  in Canada  and  the
                              opportunities  it had  provided returned,(47)  he  remained  anxious  to  sell  his  lrish
                              property  for  the benefit  of  his  children,  even  writing  in I871  ahout  a  property
                              near  Poscrea  to which  he  had  not  previously  laid claim.   His  nephew  Thomas  Hayes,
                              who  had  for  years  been  patiently  answering queries  about  the  unprofitable  Oeelpark
                              esti.te,  replied  in some  irritation that  "the  Raheens"  must  have  been  a  town  field
                              Hopper  had  rented  over  fifty  years  before,  but  that  it had  been  the  property  of
                              Lortl  Fortarlingtan  and  had  long  since  been  sold  as  such.   "You  having  Sons  I think
                              it <treat nonsense  f-   to  go  to  the  Expense  of  the  Power  of  Attorney  far  Such
                              ima~linarry property  L  more  So  for  your  Sons.   Should  be  glad  to correspond  acca-
                              siooally  but  i  will  not  answer  any  more  Correspondence  respecting yacr-"rjlG
                              p~gw. "(48)
                                 Arthur  Hopper  died November  14,  1872  at  the  great  age  af  88  years.   The  news-
                              paper  noted  that  he was  "one  of  the  oldest,  if not  the  very  oldest  mevber  of  the
                              Oranoe  Association  in the  Dominion,  havino  been  for  seventy  Years  in connection

                                 Arthur  Hopper  II  and  Anna  Sparling  had  eight  children:
                              a.  .lane  Hopper  b.  27  Jan.  1809.(50)  Jane  war  twelve  when  the  family  left  Ireland
                                ;and  therefore  the  child  that  the  lrish relatives  remembered  best  and  ayked  about
                                trlost  often  in letters.  Her  cousin  Thamar  aayes  wrote  from  Roscrea  in 1869  'of
                                my  Cousin  Jane  of  Whom  I heard  my  brother  armstrong  often  Speak  about  he  Says
                                he  used  to  Say  that  his pcwc Cow  used  to give  mare  milk  than  Jane  Hoppers
                                prooney  caw,  days  of  our  Childhood."lSl)   Jane was  married  8  Oct.  1831  uhile
                                the  family  was  still  resident  in Montreal(52)  to  Robert  Auchmuty  Sproule  (1199-
                                1845).  a  native  of  Cu. Tyrone  uhase  family  lived near  Richmond.   Robert  was
                                educated  at Trinity  College,  Dublin,  where  he  graduated  with  a  B.A.  in 1821.   He
                                received  his  H.A.  in  1832,  though  he  had  been  in Canada  for  some  years  by  that
                                date.   He  painted  nliniatures  an  ivory,  and  alra did watercalour  sketches  of
                                Montreal  and  Ouebec.  Six  of  his  views  of  kntreal  were  engraved  by  W.  5.  Lrney
                                and  published  locally  by  Adolphus  Bourne  in 1830,  and  four  sketches  of  Quebec
                                :ity were  lithographed  for  Bourne  in 1832  by  C.  Hullrnandel  of  London.   His  wark
                                alra  illustrated Hawkins'  i;cluri   guebec,  published  in 1836.1531
                                    Spraule's  wark  as  an  artist arld  miniature-painter  occasioned  a  life of  fre-
                                quent  roves,  and  like most  artists  he  was  unable  to make  a  full  1 iuing from  his
                                talent.   In 1832  he  was  a  drawing  master  in Montreal.(54)   The  fallily  lived  in
                                the  1830% in Cornwall  and  Williamstarn,  then  from  1840  on  two  acres  in March
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