Page 15 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 15
iv) Annie Sparling b. 5 Feb. 1R54, d. 5 Apr. 1934. Married 14 Apr. 1880 George
Angus of Merivale.
v) Arthur Edward b. 19 Feb. 1856,(86) d. 1939. Married Enlm Caroline Stewart
h. 1861, d. 1965. Their son Wilbert Clayton Hopper was the father of
Wilbert Hill Popper who is Chairman of Petro-Canada.187)
vi) John Evans h. 7 Hay 1858,(88) d. 7 Jan. 1885 (unrn.)
e. Annie Hopper was haptized Aug. 9, 1820 at Roscrea, and was one year old in the
1821 cerlstis at Fancmft. She died during the crossing to Canada.
f. Mary Jane Hopper. This nanle appear5 on a chart prepared by Mrs. Harry P. Hopper,
and fills in a gap betweer1 Annie and Edward, but nothing further is known about
hcr. She probal~ly died young, as she is not mentioned in any family correrpond-
eucr in later years.
q. Ldward Brnjatn~n 'iopper was born in Montreal Sept. 23, 1824. He farmed Lot 27,
COIICCSS~O!~ Ridrnu Front, 14epean. He became pmtmaiter of Merivale when the
Post Office there opened in 1864 and held the position until lhis death.(89)
Edwal-d also continued the fanily's Irish loyalist tradition by serving as Captain
oi a local militia artillery company, which trained in an armory on his property.
, .
AS early as 1862 avthur Homer had felt aenrehensive about the American Civil
War, f& it was in that year that his nephew wrote from Roscrea: "I a!" Glad to
See by your letter that you have Sa large a force of Volunteer rifler and
Malitia in Canada. but I hope and trust in God you will not have any use for
thelr.'(90: Sixtv-six locai men served under Cant. Edwavd Ho~per in the artillcry
unit, *.hich wenton actige service in 1870, andwas in action against Fenian
raiders at Pigeon Hill on the St. Lawvence. After three weeks of subsequent
guard duty Popper's cornpany returned hme on June 20, 1870.(91) Edward was
n~arried 25 .July 1052 1~ Nargaret Louisa Torney(92) (b. 18 Nov. 1832, d. 16 Jan.
19il1, cialighter of Jonn Torney, a Rich~~~ond tanner. Edward 8. Hopper died 30 May
1886 at Merivale. Edward and Hargaret had ten chiidren:!93)
i) arth~ir Edward b. 16 July 1854. He awned the Cook farnl on Van Buren Street
in Ye".ptville but lived in Chelsea, Quebec in 1886 and 1R97. Nothing
ful-ther is at present known.(94)
111 Johr $Alfred tl. 21 July 1855, d. 1939 at Mather, Manitoba. Married Janet
Aqnes Folford b. 27 July 1859. d. 1967.
lli) isaoella Harriett b. 7 by 1857. Thiq is probably the "eldest daugtitel-"
who ma)-ried James G, Joynt, ldrrard nod Mal-garet spent their last years
with this falily.
iv) Albert ia~rwel b. 2 May 1858. !.!a)-ried Fannie. They lived at 80 queen
Street West. in Ottawa in 1588 hut nothing further is known.[951
v) Edward Benjamin b. 12 Rug. 1861, called 3rd son" in death notice;
d. 23 Apr. 1866.(96)
vi) Uilliam Frederick Maxwell b. 24 Rug. 1863. d. 24 Auq. 1925. Married 11 Dec.
1894 llierl J. Mulvagh. Fred war the third generation to be a postmaster.
He was postli~aster of City View from the office's opening in 1890 to 1913.(97)