Page 16 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 16
'lii) Matilda h. 1865, d. 1957 (unrn.)
viii) Annie Maria b. c.1868. Marlied Sam Rryden.
ix) Margaret L, Mary, called Mary, h. Dec. 1870, d. 1959 Iunrn.)
x) George Harden b. 77 Rpr. 1875, d. 25 Dec. 1947. Married Elizabeth Fever
b. 17 Dec. 1879, d. 13 Now. 1939.
h. George Burton Hopper was born in Montreal c.1830. He was a jeweller like his
father, and ir sometimes listed as such in early deeds. but he also fanned in
Nepean. He n~rried Feb. 1857 Elizabeth, thi;d daughter of Henry Watson of
Drumnd Twp. near Perth.(W) b. 1832, d. 28 Sept. 1922, aged 90. George D.
Hopper died 24 Apr. 1914 aqed 84. They had five children:
Arthur b. 12 Dec. 1857,199) d. 13 March 1877 (urns.)
Rosetta b. 15 Apr. 1859. Harried 7 Cct. 1880 Williain Radmore Fulford.
They were livinq in Port Arthur in 1922 and later in Harliilton.
George b. 5 May 1862. George played an irrlportant role in Merivale's
history. He was rerponrihle for hringinq daily mail ar~d telephone rervlie
and electricity ta the area. He was a meslber. of the Canadian Red Cl~ss
Society, a Justice of the Peace and Deputy Returning Officer, lay delegate
to synod far over forty years, and President of the Ottawa Valley Milk
Producers' Asrociatian. He Nar an appraiser for the Soldiers' Settlement
Board after World War I and was for over 35 years Secretary-Treasurer of
the Merivale Cmetery Ccmpany. Ye was once first Yice-President of the
Carletan County Conservative Association, but in the 1920s he was the
U.F.0.-Liberal temperance candidate provincially. He was also a hiqh-
ranking Orange~~~an.(lCO) He died in dan. 1947. His wife was Anne Jane
Rlrhard~on b. 1870, d. 1447.
iv) Henry b. 1866, d. 1937. Farme.: in Hel~ivale. Married Mabel Pettit b. 1869,
d. 1959.
V) Anna Caroline b. c.1868, d. 7 Karch 1936. Married G. Frank Bolton of
Newboro, Ontario.