Page 19 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 19
(41) Nepean deed no. 8060, Septcnlbpr 16, 1854.
(62) ll:?., no. 595n. July 20, 1852. for LZO.
(43) :i's.., no. i662, Rtlguit 7, 1854, for Ll5 to Edward Malloch of Bytown.
(44) Lctter of eenjalnin Sparling to Arthur Hopper, Bolton. C. E., June 30. 1867.
145) Letter of Thomas Hayes to Arthur Hopper, Rorcrea. February ?,I, 1869.
(46) Arthur qoqer, Edgbscton to Arthur Hopper, Nepean. September 8, 1863.-
(47) Ditto tu ditto, Yarch 2. 1870.
!4$) lhomar Hlycr to Arthur Hopper. Roscrea. March 1. 1871.
(49) ':,.; 1:..1,,s. Novelnber 16, lei?, p. 2.
(5i) 'late Fro~l! Mrs. Harry P. Hopper's chait.
(51) Thor88ds Haye; to hrthur Hopper, Rorcrea, February 74, 1869.
152) Archives nationaies. Montreal, re~irter of Christ Church.
15:: :!:,, s:r ,liiI2.r a'-!ir.i,zri op mnadian ni:.rri;;::, (4th edn., 19771, pp. 189.790;
r. St. George Spendlove. ;:.,, :"::.: o/ %r.lj ::in,,& (Toronto, 19581, up. 62-64 and
(plates 90-91.
(5.3) Baptismal entry of inn Thocar. Christ Lnurch, Montreal.
(55) PAC, 1852 cenzxs of Brtoirn, Urrt Ws~d, p. 333; Carleton Co. land registry,
,lb:tract Index to lleeds, Lot 11. Con. 4. Yarch Tup.
1561 Gourlaj. i:;-~,l,? ti: , I I X l.,:iT~:i, p. 7ii.
(17) !n Ricnn8oni in 1542 census, P4C, reel C-1314.
(58) YI. :I. Hopppr irote to k8-thur Hopper in care of Jane there an April I?.
1SSlli 1852 census.
(59) Harried Chrlst Church, Bytown.
(60) Cenrus r.eturnr and death naticer in Ottawa newipdperi
!fill Baptized Chris1 Church, "lotreal. The Sproules arc nloitly buried at
Mrrlvale Cemetery, Nepean.
(62) Married parish of Match: register at Ottawa Diocesan Prrhives
163) Baptized ;lid. The Cyoian C;?.,ilc of December 5, 1839, p. 2, c. 3, rays
sh~ was born in Goulbour- and being mure conten~porary is more likely correct.
(64) Bd~tlled parish of March.