Page 9 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 9

                                                   by  Bruce  5,  Elliott
                             Alth~r Hopotr  was  horn  in  Rorcrea,  Co.  Tipperary.  Ireland  in 1784,  the  ran  of
                         Arthur  Hoooer.  a  4entlemdn.  bv  hi? wife  Sarah.  dauahter  of  Albert  Maxwell.  all  of

                             As  a  young  mzn,  the  later  resident  af  Merivale  lived  in Dublin,  probably  learn-
                         ing  ti)" trade  of  a  jeweller  triere.   He  witnessed  the  closing of  the  last  Irish
                         Parliament  in 1891  and  took  his  first  degree  as  an  Orangeman  in Dublin  in 1802.  He
                         ilrved  in a  yeomanry  corps  during  diit.urbances  there  the  following  year.!Z)   On
                         .Ivly  27,  1807  he  war  -,arried  by  Dublin  license  to  Anna,  daughter  of  Paul  Sparling.
                         d  far~ller of  Bal lynakill,  Co.  Tipperary,  near  Rarcrra. (3)  Her  family  had  been
                         far~neri there  for  sonle  generations,  being  descendants  of  a  German  Palatine  who  had
                         obtained  a  lease  there  early  in  the  eighteentll  centkry.(d)   By  1813  the  couple  had
                         return~d tc  Pa.,crea,   where  Arthur  worked  ar  a  jewellpr  (a  trade  also  plied  by  his
                         brother-in-law.  Pal81  Spar1 ing,  Jr.)  It was  there,  too,  that  Arthur  became  Deputy
                         Grand  Master  of  County  Tipperary  in the  Orange  Order.15)   The  family  lived  at  first
                         an  the  north  side  of  Linlrrlck  Street  in the  town,  bs~t nlored  by  1817  to  the  east  ride
                         of Main  Street.(6)   iariy  in  1811  they  were  living just  outside  the  town  in the
                         townland  of  Fancroft.!7)   Later  the  same  year  they  migrated  to Canada  with  their
                         five  children.  Tn?  you.>gert  daughter,  Annie,  then  barely  a  year  old,  died  during
                         the  croisinq.
                             It is,  not certair  that  the  Hoppers  settled  in the  city of  Montreal  imrdiately.
                         ilrthur  vai  iarking  there  as  a  jewller  in September  1825,  but  he  had  evidently
                         d~q~iretl lioisession  of  at  least  six  lots  in the  Seigneurie  of  Monnoir,  county  of
                         Rn'lville,  south  of Montreal,  where  there  was  a  rn~nll and  short-lived  Tipp?rary
                         colony.   in  1825  he  gave  Loti  6  and  23,  on  the  Sauth  West  River,  to  his  hrother-in-
                         law  Eenjamin  Sparling.  *ha  ,bay  have  accoanpanied  the  Hoppers  from  Ireland.(B)
                         Sparling  later.  lived at  Eoltor.  in Brome  County.  Ouehec.
                             In the  1825  census  Happcr  is recorded  living  in the  City af  Hantreal  not far
                         front  his old  friend  ilil!iam  Llurtan  from  Sbinrunn,  and  other  Tipperary  area  people
                         includirtg  Ralph  Smith  from  Shirrone.   Francis  Abbatt  frolr  Cloonawillan,  Thamar
                         Delahunt  from  Shinrone,  and  ireeman  Blackwell.(9)   In 1831  he war  living  in the
                         countryside,  farming  60  of  180  arpents  he  rented  at Cbte  St.-Antolne  an  Montreal
                         island,  qrowinq  harle,,   oats,  and  above  all,  potatoes.   He  also  had  eiqht  uior.
                         thirteen-horned  cattle,  and  three  horses.(l0)  He  soan  moved  back  to  the  city,  far
                         in June  1832  he  was  addressed  at 84  St.  Paul  Street  by  his  wife's  brother-in-law.
                         George  Hayes  of  Roicrea. (11)
                             With  d  number  of  Tipperary  neighbours  living  in Montreal  he organized  the  first
                         Orange  ILodqt  there,  one  of  the  earliest  in Canada.   His  friend  William  Burton  re-
                         turned  to  Ireland  in 1827  to  DrOcure  a  warrant  of  establishment  from  the  Gran.l  Lodqe.
                         The  olher  arraclates  nlentioned  in connection  with  the  founding  of  the  Lodge  are
                         Frank  Rbbott.  who  mved  to Nepean  near  R~chnlond about  1830,  and  John  Dyer.(l2)  who
                         was  a  grocer  in %ntreal.(l3)   When  Ogle  Robert  Govan,  a  prominent  Wexfard  Orangeman,
                         arrived  from  Dublin  en  route  to  Brockville  in 1829,  he  apparently  contacted  the
                         Montreal  Lodge,  far  on  Oecemher  13.  1829  his  son  Henry  Samuel  Eldan  Gavan  was
                         baptized  at Christ  Church,  Montreal  with  William and  Elizabeth  Maria  8ut.ton  as
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