Page 8 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 8

(1)  Archives  of  the  Rnglican  Dlocere  of  Ottawa,  v.84:   Mission  of  Nepean,
                             Parish  of  St.  Matthias  registers,
                                 (2)  Information courtesy  of  Dorothy  Relyea.   See  also .?r;?nd:* ;4ar.s   (Ottawa
                             Branch,  O.G.S.),  "01.  11,  no.  1,  January  1979,  p.  5:  and  Harrv  and  Olive Walker,
                             car!aton  sago.  Ottawa.  1968.  p.  157.
                                 (1)  Hlrtorical Cornittee  of  the  Centenary  Celebration.  "9ni  iiun,frcli 'aar;: o!
                             Fnri:tftti  Work in hleri~lale", Merivale,  1932.  chap.  1,  p.  2.
                                 (4)  Land  Registry  Office  of  Ottawa-Carleton,  nenean  Township.  Inst.  17453.
                                 (5)  infarmation  courtesy  of  Lois  Long
                                 (6)  ~rr. R.E.  Smart,  A  sho1.t  ~lstoru of  C't: 7iru on<  ver~;::air, Merivale.  l9d4,
                             p.  19.   News  clipping,  Flarion  G.  ~ogers,-"S~. ~dhn the  D~vlne, hepean"  claims  that
                             the  church  was  erected  in  1873,  consecrated  in 1874.  and  then  burned  down  in 1897.
                             Loi,;  Long  contends  that  ro  such  fire  occurred.
                                 (7)  ottoi:.? ITee  Dess,  6  April  1874  in Archives  of  the  lnglican Diocese  of
                             Ott.lwa,  6.0.2.  8.10,   no.  3,  Parirh  of St.  John,  Neriuale.
                                 (8)  Smrt,  p.  19.
                                 (9)  Land  Registry Office  of  Ottawa-Carleton.  Nepe~n Township.  lnst.  9482.
                                 (10)  Rt.  Rev.  Robert Jefferson  and  Leonard  L.  Johnson,  ~o;:i.   9:~ ~::h,,'r,
                             Otti#wa,  1957,  p.  107.
                                 (11)  Jefferson  and  Johnson,  p.  74.
                                 (12)  Archives  of  the  Anglican  Diocese  of Ottawa,  6.0.2.  S.10.  no.  2,  if:r!r.;
                             luiriite  ,Book 1907-44,  Parish  of  St.  John,  Merivale.  annual  meetings  1905,  19?6.
                                 (13)  liestr.3  "inute  "oni,   annual  meetings  '011,  1916,  1924-27.
                                 (14)  vczrtr.:i  l*i*ute  "oak,  annual  meeting  1931.
                                 (151  ve.eitry  n!:w;c   Rook, annual  lnleeting  1941.
                                 (16)  Jefferson  and  Johnson.  p.  108.
                                 (17)  Archives  of  the Anglican  Diocese  of  Ottada,  6.0.2.  5.10,  no.  3.   Copy  of
                             Lear.e  dated  17  Jaluary  1962.
                                 (18)  Small,  p.  19;  "ilne  jiurdi.e.?  'cars",   chap.  2,  p.  1.
                                 (19)  See  P2,  P13,  P166,  P168-171.
                                 (20)  Land  Regirtry Office  of  Ottawa  Carleton.  Nepean  Township,  Inst.  IR5a8.
                                 (21)  News clipping,  March  1959.   Given  to D.  Pelyea  by  Marjorie Moadie.
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