Page 55 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 55
24H'?--Polishe2 ked Grani-te: 2%; to 2'7.;--C?ILI>>.E; ' S SEC? ;Il.
MIVFIhUD Irdividual Grey GrouÇ Xa:kers:
in memory of -
Leo L. Kichaud hit& ClML"T-C1C
dune 21, le99-Cuiy 19, 1953 kcv. 16, 1246-Ler. 7, 1S47
b6:t7ed husbend Of
Mery 1. Kirneth Samuel J. ST&.Z2i
Kov. 15, 1P44
244:5 end €--Grey Stone: 3eby SU?:ISLY
DFLCirAUK died Fov. 30, lS50
in loving mamory of
Helsc Ianosch Donne Karie
Mey le, 1890-kug. 6, 1953 l!iGk>; Tel<
-- -
beiovsd wife of 1945-1948 - --
richeel Dragoman
Kerch 21, 18a6-:;ov. 27, 1963 ( UnEeciphered)
--- lS45
"r. i. p." b;arch 30th
24\Y5--Re issd Grey ~tone Pls que : ---
Eh-Eii . . . Son of . .
Leper Eeker John & Frances
1847-1953 - K II-I\WL
belcved husband of lS52 . ---
Cecilia Zressette . .
knthony J.
- - - March 20. 1513
"requiescant in pacew - BCK n:uu
- --
24W4--Polished Eed Granite: ~ece~ber.15, 1953
Deline Pilon FCkTI::
bcrn September 26, 1890 Janice Claire
died Deceffiber 15, 1953 - 1961-1971 ---
beloved wife of dear dauchter cf
Eugene Leurin hene and Cecile
born Xuguet 17, le&' ---
- -- Stephen Pe ter
died Feb. 12, 1963 "Our beloved sonn
24W2-Grey Stone: KIChPCktO
LEDUC ... 1964-1970
in memory of -
J. hicherd Leduc Christopher DlrSCUJJ:PS -
18'9-1954 19t2-1970
beicved husbbnd of ---
Kary M. Youls Peter BUlmEAU
1885-1974 1955-lS56
--- - --
2CS3--Grey Stone :
in Eemory of
Stephen Lahey
beloved husband of
lilllen LeDuc
--- . -