Page 51 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 51

lSh7--3eise-  Grey  Flaque;                       18h.l--Grey  Stone  with  Cross:
                  SCLE                                              C/tihClJ
                  J.  Oliver  Somers           .  .  -              Eller.  Yurphy                    -         (r
                  1685-1548                 . --                    1860-1927
                                             - -
                  beloved  husbend  or             - -              beloveC  wife  of
                  Delsy  Ani  Mertin                                ~hon.~s carroll                   -
                 1e95-1965                                          1851-1832
                 Grey  Stone:                                       Mary  Eilen  Carroll
                 WLIN                                               1892-1970
                 Carald  J.  Hamelin                                bîloved  wife  or  -
                 1909-1972                                          Joseph  K.  6ourrie             .
                 beloved  husbend  of                                          ---
                 Pearl  D.  Somers          -
                             ---                   --               19U'O--Grey  Grouud  &ok  Plaque:
                 1Sk.C--llarble  Cross:                             Alexender                hie wife
                 David  LkTAhYIUE                                   Couture                  Kary
                 166C-1924                          -               died  Nov.  8,  1943 Bnnister
                  "r.  1.  p."                                      aged  83 yra.            1870-1956
                             ---                                               ---           ---
                 1St:C--Dprlght       Grey  ~tone-                  19A"B--Grey  Stone :             . -
                                          Plaque :                 l,AThT,DESS
                 Fred                                               iz memory  of
                 XOE~U                                             6eseie M.  Arthur9
                             ---                                    beloved  wife  of
                 1866-1934                                          1913-1947
                                                                   Gereld  J.  Lstendress
                                                                               ---            -. .   - -
                 in aiemory  of
                 Elizabeth  Beech          .  -                    l~~'e~-~lack te Stone:
                 wife  of                           -              C1Ah'C;'ITO
                 Jams  DeFinney                                     in ffiemory of
                 Sept.  22,  1877-Mar.  13,  192s                  Domine  Cianetto  -             .  .
                             ---                                               - --
                 "may  her  eoul  rest  in  peace"                 18i30-1923

                 lE??4--Smell  KaiseC  Grey  flaque:               19~Y8--Jiaised Bleck  Grenlte  Plaque:
                 hlexina                                           wJcpxvn
                 YATES                 .   .                       leger Kerchand  -  .
                 1898-1926                                         188C-1964                  - -.   -.
                 1tii4--Eeised  Grey  ~round-~laque: 19~7--Grey Stone:
                 James  7. 'WEBB                                   LOmlïrNG
                 1871-1939                                          in  loving memory  of
                 his  wife                 - -.                    John  Stenley  Lovering            -
                 LIhry  Steel8                    - -              DeC.  21,  1896-1:ov.  3,  1952
                             ---                                   Uerg  Elvina  Dion
                 1877-1930                                         beloved  husbhnd  of
                 1m3--Reised  Grey  Plaque;                                    ---
                 DES!ik.FvT                -- .                                                      - -
                 Bernard  A.  Deshane             - -              1Ya$'5--01d  Khite  Stone  Cross:
                 1935-1'372                                        William S.  SXIKLhTON
                 beloved  husband  of                              Ear.  4,  1912-Sept.  15,  1930
                 Chrcl  Delorne                                    beloved
                                                                   son                                -
                 Old  Grey -Stcne  Crose:                          of                        ---
                 Theophile  A.  Deshane                            Illen
                 died                   ,-. .                      Skimerton
                 AUE.  10th         -.  ,  ..                     "r.  i. p."
                 1927                                                          - --
                 a 6e                      --.
                 9  yrs.
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