Page 57 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 57
The meiden name of e .dece~sed wife is crcss-referer.ced to hsr
Beceesed husbsnd, ar his fmily neme; where ttie ~érrie? name
of a dereesed %Ife 1s used, the melien can;e 1s &ver Orly if
easily identified. hererence to the plot tcmistcne daté le
th~s sonetiir?~ neaessary to group members of E fauily.
-I;* Plot Tic.
Alarie, Simeon 4R2C-21 Baker, +me L. (See
Alarie, Xilliam 1E15 Leblanc, Ceore-e) 16,;l
Alderson, Julie 25h3 - Eeksr, Leyer 24-1
Allerd, Xllce E. (See Grise', Bsker, Luina 1 Eh.1
.George B)5E13 Bhnrister, Kary (See Couture,
Allard, ':arie A. 16E10-11-12 bleaander) lSWE
X31e~, Earcelo 3'fi 5 Bsrabeaz, Kichclas 13à19
Allen, Kargaret (See Lecroir, Berry, Annie J. . . SE1 7
Andrew) l5E16 Zarry, hobert 3L17
Allen, Km. Xenry 3;; 56rthelmes, Benry F. 7012
Jxbeeu, Arthur . 16L17 6s6ràsali, Peary A. Zr,
Anbeau, George K. . 17E23 Eeetty, Eliogadia (Lsurendet;;
kbeau, Eerman 21K3 1W 6
hbeeu, John 17E13 Zeeuchanp, A-reos , :>y16
Anderson, C-eor~e V. 16E15 Eeeuchamp, Joseph 5x16
Anderson, larie A. (See liegl~, Esauchemp, Fapoleoa . l7Elti
hrichael h. ) 10al Beeuchsmp, Zilla (See
Anderson, Fei1 Zh 23 Dorion, Alphonse) 22)14
Anger, Unsere Geliebte Eaeusoliel, Bettrids (Quesnelle)
Cma Esroiin0 . 665 3b:31-32
-Arbour, Agnes S. (See. - Beausoliel, Fslix llU'5
Eeauchamp, N~pole0@7ElS Beausoliel, Belec , llW5
Prbour, Pli red . 15334-35 .-Eeausollel, Zsaral : 117,'5
hrbour, J.ustin Mark lOE18 - Beausoliel, Kora 11~5
hrbour, Della (See kivet, Beauvais, Albert A.. 2Yl7-18
Joseph) 1116-7-8 Beech, Elizabeth . 1&;5
Arbour, Diana (Se8 Brodeur, Belanger, T. 3. 11015
EdrrOId ) 22.i2 Bell, John 2?:4142
Arbour, Edmond - lOEl6 -Bell, b'atilda . 2K41-45
- krbour, Elide 25::e-9 Bellehumeur, Delienne (See
hrbour, Jose;h 21irl (L.edouceur, FIorotlsdes) l'K6
Xrbour, Lawrene 15E34-35 Eenson, Chsrlotte 1%. 4F10
Arbour, ).:aurice 2W1 Eenson, John W. 4E10
Arbour, Kathslie [Bourdon) 7E19 Eerriault, David lElO
Arpin, Alpho~~e ZE16-17 Eerriault, David Sr. 1ElG
Arthur, William 8x1 9 Berriault, Gerard : 1 Ti;€
Arthurs . handa 8x1 2 Eerriault, Gordon 16E12
-- ~
krthura, aessfe 1:. (Latendrees) Berriault, Eermidaa 12E11
. 1SVB Berriault, Kay~ond 12E11
krthurs, Georeina h!. (Yon) lO'd7 Eerry , Isebella 14W2
Arthurs, John J. 831 2 Berry, James €El6
Arthurs, Leo S.' 8E12 Berry, John Francia . 6El f
Berry, A!srgaret E. 6E19
Berry, h!ary A. GE15
Eerry, Peter . 14x2
- Eerry , Philoriene 1411'2