Page 58 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 58

                    Beteau,  Mary                           lIBPx,   arendon,  B'urna                       Z1;18
                    Beteau,  Paul                           lEZO     Brant,  ;:ose  (See 3renovac,
                    Beteau,  Feter  (Pierre)                1x20                             John)           6;;3
                   Binder,  Gertrude  (Schciidinger)                 Eriabin,  Kettie  (Grise')              8;;
                                                       5iZ22-23      BroaC,  James  A.                      8515
                   Bissette,  Cleophas  L-ltred           16E10      Broderick,  David                       li: 7
                   Bissette,  Leo  A.                  23123-24.     Brodeur,  Alfred  Arthur  3M36-37
                   Bissette,  Philomene  K.  (Bulger)                Srodeur,  Edncnd                     16322
                                                          1811  Brodeu , Edmond                             22~;
                   Blair,  Ellen  (See  Duttion,                     Brodeur,  Irene                      16EZ2
                             Edward  Eston)          .  2B10-11     -Brodeur,  Leo  A.                    16E2.2
                   Blake,  May  G.  (.Se% Fitzgerald,                tirodeur,  Korman  L.                10222
                                         John  C.)     4R34-35       Brodeur , Olive -M.  ( Goul&~.ll~-Z~
                   Blake,  Philip  G.                ,    16Z14      orodeur,  kfnlter J.                 16XZ2
                   Blake,  Philip Y.                      16614      Brtko,  Jos.                           21c 4 8
                   Blondin,  Eda                           15x2      Brunelle,  Mary  (Ses  Cloutier,
                   BoCnar,  Victcria  (Bry ck)              23ri 2                 Stenisleus)              lEll
                   Eodnhrzuk,  J.  .                       IF30      Bugg,Terry  D.                       16x16
                   Bodo,  Paul                               4P-4    Eurke , (adnarzuk) knnt                11-30
                   Boisvert,. Ldward                         81; 8   Burke,  William  (Bill)                L:4 5
                   aoiavert,  Emila            ,             6:: 8   Burna,  George  H.                      41*1
                   Boisvert,  Lumina                         8r<,'8  aurta,  Ëlizabe th  (ltroghk~ j16~24
                   Boisvert,  Oliver                         6W8     Butineau,  1,Telson E.         ~        2;:l
                   Bolan,  Eridget  6.         :          lOEll      Eutineau,  Peter                       2 7i;l
                   Bolen,  Edward                         1OEll  Buttineau,  Anthony  c.                21%-27:;
                   Bolan,  James  ~c~augblin lOEll
                   aolan,  ?:cCarthy  K.       :          lOEll
                   Bocls,  Frederick  J.               31139-20      WC"
                   Booth,  Xgnes             .   .     3E13-14       Cadeau,  Cecile                        U:43
                   Booth,  Charles  G.                     3E18      Cadeau,  Joyce  Marie                  15Wl
                   Booth,  JOU                         3E13-14       Cadeau,  Peter  J.             .  6N27-27
                   Boo th,  John             . -       3313-14       Cadeau,  Philias J.                5Y11-12
                   Booth,  Joseph  J.                  3E13-14      -Cadiaux,  Francis  Edward               ai' 2
                   Borysek,  Antonin  . .  :           3U7-18        Cad ieuz,  Joseph                      1fKl
                   Bottigoni ,. Frank              '   .   .  8;;l   Cadieuz,  Richard  ~ichiel  a:50
                   Bottigoni,  Louie                         ml- Galdera,  Andrew  W.                       20;:8
                   Boucher,  Florestine  iaee                        Callaghan,  Dennie  J.  .              10'68
                             Lacroix,  kalter)             QE10  Cellaghan,  B.  Zllec (Chen) 10';;8
                   Boucher,  Venry                     1N36-37       Callahan,  Thon~s E.           .       10;;8
                   Boucher,  Iletilda  JSee           .              Campbell,  Alexander                lm, 6-7
                             l:cDoneld,     John)          BE1 5     Campbell,  John                     10k8 6-7
                   Boucher,  Nellie  (See  .                        -Canavan,  Xary  E.  (See brthurs,
                             Culbertaon,  aruca)             7H19                 John  J. )                8x12
                   Bour&eois, Lionel  F..                    3?i4  Cayietrand,  Victoria  (ses
                   Bourrie,  Appolinairp                  10E20    -              Latour,  Joseph)           6\;2
                   Bourrie,  Ildege                        Zll6'  Carey,  Etta  (Rivet)             ,  11W6-7-8
                   Bourrie,  Julie  (@'&nnor)              JE18      Carmichtiel,  Ann E.  (Counahar )
                   Bourrie,  Melvina  (See  Arpin,                                                ,     WS7-18
                             Alphonse)        ,        2316-17       Csrpenter,  cecilia                     ai7
                   Bourrie,  Fapoleon                  4314-15       Carsenter,  Ellen  V.  (O'Shea)
                   Bourrie,  Oliver                       10E20                                   . 7E13-14-15
                   Bourrie.  Philomen& Helen              10120      Carpenteri  Florence  .  .               2n 7
                   Boychuk,  John        .    L         . .  1iW3  Cerpenter,  Louis  A.                     2'~
                   Boychuk,  Patty .                    . . 21x7     Carpenter,  Sessire                      Zh 7
                   Boyer,  Phillip  J.                       BiV9    Çaryenter,  Steven                       Z;i 7
                   Boyle,  Elizabeth  ..               lM21-22       Carrlere,  Jene  (5ee Verdy,
                                                       21.:21-22                            Joseph)        14Ell
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