Page 60 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 60
*Gn (continued)
Gregoire, Ches. Wm. 11El6 Hocken, William Jr. 16E18
Greec, George 3ri5 Hohlstein, R.T.A. Enme (Xkl.era)
Crexton, Ella hose S1:3 16Ell-12
Crextcn, Floyd A. EN3 Hopkins, Cecilia 16E20
Crexton, Lorine 5?Y 3 Hor~ing, Estella (See Latanville
Crise, Catherine illice 16213 Thome s ) . 3L8
Crise, Edmund A. 16E13 Horsfell, aaby 1Wl
Crise, Ernest SE13 Houle, Kary M. (See Leduc,
Grise, Eugenie K. 16E13 Richard) , 16E2C
Crise, F. Didace 4E19 Howard, Ellen (See OeHare,
Crise, Frederick S. 4E19 hfichael) 5E10-11
Crise, George A. 16E13 Eoward , FIarold C. 1x3
Crise, George E. 5E13 Howard, Jerome 3W6
Crise, Leurence Viau 8W 6 Howard, Mary Theresa (McInnis)
Crise, Rosemery 5E13 3W6
Crise, Rosina (See Kehan, Hubert. Adolph 17217
J. L. ) 5E13 ~ubert, Angela b:. (Lepege)
Curen, Philip . 3N33-34 3bi4142
Cuthrle, Catherine (See Hubert, Elizabeth 17Ell
Leurendeau,. Kapoleon SrLh'6 Hubert, Rosenna (Sebner) 17311
Hymas, Lila. (OIMallay) 25W3
*En *
Haley, Catherine Agnes (See Ianoech, Helen (See Dregoman,
Simpson, john Lillies) 113 Michael) 24x5-6
Hanelt , Na than : 2x37 Ianoafh, Ion 3N42-43-44
Hamelin, Gerald J. ,1BFv'7 Irvine, Robert J. . 10E17
Hamelin, Louis J. 1 7E16 Irvine, Ronald C. 10E17
Hamelin, Eoselio J. 5x5
Hamelin, Stella Kary . 7E16
Hanley Vault -JW
Hanley, Crace Y. {See Quilty, Jean, Oscar Joseph 6K40
John J. : 4W4 Jewitt, Wilford (Bob) . 8W1
Barber, Thomas L.- llWl Johnstone, Alex Leo BE18
Harber, W. C. D. : lY&l Johnstone, Francis Walles 8E18
Harrison, Angus J. : 7E12 Johnstone, John Palmer . 8x18
Hart, Yargaret Emma (Mckrthur) Johnstone, Joseph 8E18
: lm6 Jondrow, Frederiok 4ii 6
Hartford, John Thames . 2517 Juneau, Aima BE11
Hartwell, Eda S. .(Se8 Grise, Juneau, Arthur 8Ell
Frede~ick S. ) . 4El9 Juneau, Clement 8Ell
Hayward, John Wm. 2~35-36 Juneau, Daniel 8Ell
Hebner, Peter r15E12 Juneau,'Timothy Daniel 13d1
Henderson, Agnes Xaud (See
Webb, Alfred) 12W6-7 *Kr
Henderson, Clarence A. 12W6-7 Kakaletris, Perry * 1381
Henderson, Ernest R. 1216-7 Kelly, Abraham H. 4W4
Henderson, John 12hV6-7 Kelly, Bernard C. 21127-28
Henderson, John F. 12W6-7 Kelly, Harold Jenes 4K37
Henderson, William L. 12W6-7 Kelly, L. Patrick 1 7h18
Bewis, David . 6E17 Kelly, Levina B. (Bugg) 21W 7
Hewis, David Jr. ôE17 Kelly, hiichael J. 6;!2
Hewis, John 6E17 Kelly, Veronica 21W 7
Rewis, Thomas Thorton 6E17 Kelman, J. L. 5E13
Hill, M. Olga lEl9 Kennedy, David 1913
Hocken. Clinton. 1x11 Kennedy. Joseph 14E12
.. -
ock ken; Mary A.. (See Smith, ~ennedj; ~osebh
Zohn) 16E18
- ---,
Hocken, William 16E18