Page 50 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 50
1'M'Ç--Grey Stone : - - 17W6--Polished Red Granite:
in memory of in memory of
Catharine K. Dubray Josephine Sauve
Gct. 30, 1874-Sept. 8, 1955 1899-1961
beloved wife of beloved wife of
A. Kapoleon Somers John Berriault ip
- - - Eli Sauve
Sept. 6, 1876-August 5, 1E67
1W8--Polished 6ed Granite: 1872-1935
RIVE;ks - - his beloved wife
Theodore hivers Delima Quesnelle
1894- 1677-1962
his beloved wife +plastic plaque:
Pamela IL. Arbour . John B. Berriault
1897- 1898-1977
their son Dori,an C.
--- 1921-1971
1S20-1821 Gerrerd Berriault
1TJi8--Grey Stone: beloved huaband of
KELLY Atarie Desjardins
in memorv of
L. ~atriik Kelly
1884-1955 17W5--Raised Black Stone Plaque:
beloved husband of - CHkTmHTON
Mary Decorie in loving memory of
--- CRilTERTûK
1893-1977 Helen Marie Sauve
1 WB--Poli shed Eed Gran> te : Mar. 21, 1907-kpr. 30, 1963
PERFAULT %ver remembered by her childrenw
Gilbert Perrault
1915-1S55 17W4--Red Granite Stone:
beloved husband of . MCCOhxkT -
Edna somers in loving memory of
Kenneth T. KcConkey
Oot. 1, 1903-Mar. 31, 1922
Margaret A. Dusome
17W7-- Grey Stone: 1677-1943
DOYLE wife of
in memory of Aiex MacDougell .
James Doyle -. (s) --- . . .
Dec. 30, 1922 -
his wife 17W1--Grey Stone:
b:argare t halph LADOUCEh
May 20, 1957 J. Harvey Ladoucer
Small Ground Plaque: . . 1882-1953
Richard B. Koore beloved husband of
Feb. 22, 1942 Theresa M. Shine -
Ground Plaqua: 1883-1959
George W. ïialph (NI
Jan. 13, 1936 1€fhr9--Grey Stone
Jane K. kalph GONUU
--- 1887-1953
Nov. 4, 1928 Arthur k. Coneau
beloved husband of
Katharine Fitzgerald
1892-1970 - .
Florence 1913-1937
Eileen 1916-1946
William 1920-1943
Donald 1922-1923