Page 54 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 54
22ii4--Grey Stoie : 22W1--Eeised lied Granite -Plaque :
in memory of
Herbert Contois
hie wife 1606-1953
Zilla Beauohamp beloved husband of
--- Alma B. Jean
2m4--Grey Grobd Plsque:
rnSTON 231'3--Raised hed Granite Plaque:
in memory of LICKZCIY?:
Julia Lsurin in memory of
1914-1936 Patrick A. KcKeown
wife of 1883-1852
Joseph Hewston - belbved husband of
--- Kathleen F. Farrell - -
22W4--Grey Stone Cross with MS ---
Me ta1 Plaque:
Josephine LAPLüLB . 2%3--Grey Stone :
died Jan. 28, 1936 DWUIS
in her 72 year in mernory of -
22W3--Grey Stone: Henry J. ûupuis
THûW his beloved wife
in memory of . Ida A. Grevelle
George Thons - - 1894-1963 ---
1887-1835 "BO~ at restw - -
beloved husband of ---
--- BFiYCK
Annie Burton 23rl2--Grey Stone :
22'#3--Grey Granite Stone: ln memory of
D I'I?;YaR Victoria Bodnar
in loving memory of .. . . 1877-1953
John Di ttmar beloved wife of
June 24. 1879-May 31. 1951 Peter Eryok
beloved -husband of -
Mercella J. Staruch ---
23'82--Rsised Grey Stone Plaque:
dear father moTT1EE
--- . . Francis k. Trottier
Peter, Mary and Rose in memorv of
22h12--Eaised Grey Ground Plaque: 1900-1952
BRODhVR beloved husband of
in memory of Edna Mailloux
Diana Arbour ---
beloved wife of .. 24W7--Raised Grey Stone Plaque:
Edmond Brodeur - HOWE . -
--- 1878-1547
1878-1955 . - Josephine Quigley
22W2--ha ised Grey Ground Plaque : beloved wife of
TOUTANT . - Franois F. Houe .
Leone1 Toutant . .
beloved husbend of - .
Doris Boulter