Page 56 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 56
25;:8 and 9--Foot 5tonez: 2SS--5mell Grey Stone Flaque:
BISSET': Julia +LL)EhS@E;
Dad 1'244-1957
1870-1S41 25V,5--PollsheC B16ck Granite:
Elide hrbohr . . PLVLIK
Mo ther in memory of
rancisk ka Pavlik
25i1!B--Grey Stone: . - ' Januerg 17, 1657-
SS.XL February 6, 1975
Oscar Shaw1 beloved mother of
1880-1947 Larl and Kartha
beloved husband of ---
Elizabe th Latanville 25..4--Grey Stone :
--- . - BUCK
Cecila L. Cousineau
2W7--Grey Stone: 1910-1957 '
~1FOrn beloved wife of
in memory of Bruce k. nuck
John Thomas Hhrtford
Jan. 29, 1882-Jan. 5, 1948 "r. 1. p."
beloved husband Of ---
Theresa K. Re ttinger 2Sbq3--Grey Stone:
--- . . in memory of
July 24, 1882-uec. 26, 1951 0 '-y
2%6--Halsed Grey Stone Plaque: Lile Fymas
YATES 1688-1557 .. .
Paul E. Yates beloved wife of -
1950-1958 John 7. C'Kelley
beloved son of
David & Xary
"ln fond reffiembrance"
--- 27r110--Grey Granite Cround Plaque:
234'6--Raised Grey Stone Plaque: COKTO II
ST. PETER Elchard R. Contola
bfary J. Lebatt . . 1941-1972
1888-1958 beloved husband of '
beloved wife of Claudia 1.:. Quesnel18
Purd St. Peter
--- . . - .. -. Martin H. 1963-1972
Anthony K. 1964-1972
25W5--Grey Stone: Nanette A. 1568-1972 -
in memory of . -. 2T.;9--Red Crani te Ground Phbue :
Charlotte (Lottie) CONTOIS
M. DuSOme Eueene G. Contoi8
1882-1958 1943-1972
beloved wif e of his beloved wile
--- 1943-1972
Capt. Wilford Jewitt Patricla A. Kynock
25~5--Small Grey Plaque : their children -
Marie G;.UIIElT% Donald 1S6e-1972
--- Karen 1969-1972
1910-1958 Xltchel 1965-1972
2%4--\;hite Stone: ---
in memory of
Rowerd E.
"deeply mourned"