Page 53 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 53

                                                                   2&3--;rey       SLcne:
                                                                   MC mu
                 aerry  E.  'A  ilecn                              in  memory  of
                 1669-l9V@                                         Viilllsm  J.  Moreeu              .
                 bis  beloved  wife                 -              1856-1S34
                 Mary  Ann Forge t
                 1878-1951                                         22  and  23n.7--Eeised  Klack  Gra:.ite
                            ---                                                                         Ple:,o:
                 2l'i;C--F;e?sed    hed  Stcne  Plaque:            SO WY
                 in memory  or                    . .              in  mernorv  or
                 Anna  B.  McLaren                                 Joseph  C:    Sovey
                 1853-163@                                         1870-1945
                 wlfa  î.f                                         and  hie  wife
                 Kichael  J.  ~{c~:ani                             Matilda
                 m          ---                                    Ledouceur
                 2MI--Grey  Ground  Plaque:                        Reised  Grey  Ground  Pleque:
                 Herman AL3-&U                                     Alsid  Sovey
                 1875-1936                 -                       Frivate
                            ---                                    23 Key  1559,  age  60
                 "at  restn                        . -             19 B6tt1-1.  C.E.F.
                 21K'I--Reised  Red  Stone  Plaque:                H'hite  Khrble  Ground  +leque:
                 Carrie  FOüRKIE6                                  sOirdY
                 ~e1-1960                                          George  A.  SOV~J
                 beloved  wife  of                                 drcwned  on  the  6.  C.  &:inch
                            ---                                    22.         ---
                 fav::   FCZX?                                     Xov.  12,  1940,  aged  19 yrs.
                 2lVi2-:h'~.tural    Cto~e Plaque:                 S?i6--~rey Stone:
                Krs.                       . .                     CON WIS
                J.  FOUfrh'IEH                    . -              in  iremory  of
                            ---                                    1L.12-1940
                 1936-                                             Clirrord  Contais         . ..-

                21Kl--~baised Grey  Plaque:                        Hcaerd  Contois
                CCLVILLE                           -               1911-1940
                Frbnces  K.  Tremblay                              drowred  on  Anna  C.  Kinch
                190'2-1974                                         EE-~ard Contoie
                beloved  wife  of                                  1926-1964
                William  J.  Colville                              Christopher  Contoig
                            ---                                    1888-1964
                                                                   his wire  Elizabeth  St.  Amant
                21H11--Fleised  Grey  Stone Plaque:                1891-1973
                s.:1m                                                                        .  -
                Alice  Tremblay                    -               2x5--Grey  Stone  end  Grey  Pleque:
                1898-1963                                          LESPERAhCE
                belove6  wife  or                                  Donald  C.  Lesperance
                Geniel  M.  Snith                                  1924-1971
                                                                   beloved  hu-band  or
                "requiescant  la pace"
                22,         ---
                23/:9--Grey     Stone :                                         .  .                 -
                CONTOIS                                            22V/5--USPERANCE          .
                Thomas  Con toi s                                  kndrew  Lesperance
                1892-1974                                          189s-1958
                his beloved  wife                                  husband  of
                Ijelina  Charlebois  . -.                          Alma  Lbdouceur
                1894-1975                                          1901 -1948
                       -~ .
                their  daughter Edna                               and  Emelda  Pauze
                                                                              - --
                their  son  Herbert                                erected  by  Emelda
                husband  of
                Belan  Charlebois
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