Page 48 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 48
15We--( Continued) . - 15x2--Red Grenite Stone wit-. Crcss:
William Alphonse
Fitzgerald lovlng memcry of
1804-1919 Elizebeth Gemoe
Mary Winifred wife cf Joseph Y:. Lavereeu
Swalss died tïcv. 25, 1918, ege3 52 yeero
1517-1920 ---
Foot Stones: 15Vi2--01d Grey Stone:
Xmbrose BLCYIni
Leona Eda
Edward son of
Gerrard Isaie 8: Mary
-- - Blondin
15W7--01d Grey Stone died
wiu. Gct. 12, 1918 - bged 16 yeers
Louis G. (N )
died 157; Plot 1--%BIES SiCT1C.K
bprll 27, 1S19
&ged, how 1: Small 'A'hite M6rble nith ie-t:
60 year3 KrhLETFdS
La ure (W Perry
Eaheu Sept. 22, 196:
18S3:lS 61 beloved son
beloved wlfe of of
Charles . Paul and Kitsa
Some r s ---
1900-1977 Row 1: Grey Ground Plaque:
--- Baby kOLCFI
13V6--91gh White Stone with Janusry 31, 1961 -. -
Sl'hUTHZiiS - Eow 1: Grey Ground Plaque:
Mary Irene Converse # Be by LAUhIN
Oct. 29, 1893-Dec. 30, 1918 Dec. 20, 1960
wife of - (KI daughter of -
William Struthers Shirley & Klke
KOV. 24, 1884-Jan. 29, 1967
also hls wife Row 1: 1:atural Bleck Stone:
Tcene Wilson F. J. WJI~m
Sept. 1, 1896- .
#in nemory of Flow 1: Grey Ground Plaque:
Lary Irene Converse (SI Deborah bnn
wife of William S. Struthers ~c1;o.r
barn 0ct.-29, 1893-dled Dec. 30, July 1, 1961
--- 1918 -
15 and 16N5--Grey Stone: how 2: l,s'hlte Kooden Cross:
DICN Konald
Cl6dys Dion (N) QCESR ELLE
1894-1910 born h!ag 3, 1563
wlfe of died July 22, 1963
Lloyd Uongraw
how 2: Khlte Wooden Cross:
Aime Dion Richard RCbI1 h1LL.E
1863-1950 born Sept. 9, 1558
his wlfe to 6ug. 5, 1962
Ceorglna Moreau
Florence Dion
1 C3.7-191 R