Page 23 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 23
, '~i--nec Stoce: 17~1~--~rey Gran1 te Stono :
WhIGrn U E U
Arthur K. Wright Latthew' blerwell
1007-1957 lesl-197~
heioved husband Or beloved husband of
Blerche D. Florerce Leorard
Da; orme 1896-
--- &-andson Gordon
17E2C--Grey Stoce: ---
DXGETiAIS 17E2C--Grey Stone :
Pather kiother KIS99hOCIi
Xrchle Della Alexander
Daeenais Somers Kisherock
--- belcved husband of
1875-1957 1885-1958 1883-1957
17ElG--Grey Granite Stone : Bsrbhra Çh~hon
BEkUCFi 1885-1960
in mêmory of
Lgnes S. Arbour l7El5--Grey Stone:
1860-1956 PEhWUL?
beloved wlfe of ln memory or
W6lter Perrault Sr.
- -- wsiter-S. Perrault
May 28. 1929-Kov. 10, 1952
17ElC--Red Stone: Sept. 14 1902-:une 2C, 1970
P~~Ch' beioued husband of
ic memory of Florence Peuze
Phyllis 1:. Gray - ---
beloved wiie of 17E14--Raised Bed Stone Pleque:
Fmoett P. Pearson WOODS
--- Uervin Wood8
17ElB--Elsck Grfinite Stoce: Red Stone:
DUSCM in memory of
Dad Mo ther George R. Woods
T, :.ndrew Mabel died h!ay 14, 1946
--- - - Ked Stone:
1365-1974 1892-1958 eaed 71 years
17E17--Grey Stone: in memory of
FGBEET Elsie Chbrette Woods
biary L. Dube died Gctober 11, 1044
- - -
mes-1956 aged 62 years
beloved wife or
kdolgh Bubert 17x13--Grey Stone: jL:zSU
1EiBO-1971 in rriemory of
wrequiescant in pacem Berthe Eliza
- -- Jane Çtephens
17E17--Grey Grani te Stone: beloved wife of
KVbrnAK h'elson Anbeau
Veronica Visocky
1905-1356 Grey Cround Stone:
beloved wife of John Anbeau
Stephen Kvasnak 1906-1942