Page 21 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 21

                 r:~----Ped  ttsne:                              Hocken  (coctinued)
                 BkCLiFJJX                                       bthry  A.  Ecckec
                 Norman  L.  Brodeur                             1867-1S48
                 1903-1972                                       wire  of
                 beloved  hcsband  or                            John  SAth
                 Julia  K.  Fitzgerald                           1887-1E58
                 1909-                                           lilliem Hocken  Jr.
                 "in  the  Cross  is                             1893-1950
                 al1 orir  hopen                                            --..
                                                                 16El?--Grey  Stone:
                 16E.?l--Granite  Stone;                         mz3.z
                 Frencis                          (S)            Arthur  Ambe~u
                PEMULT                                           1908-1640
                 1054-1934                                       belcved  husbend  of
                 hi8  wife                                       Kary   mevi ville
                 Fletcher                                                   ---
                 1370-1934                                       16El7--Grey  Gran1 te  Stone :
                Dora                              (1;)           W'rnZ3
                Pscue tte                                       Willien  Sutter              -
                1907-1976                                        le92-1960
                beloved                    -                     beloved  husSend
                wlfe  of                                         or
                Frank                                           Ke therine  Walsh
                Ferrsul t
                16EZO--Grey  Stone:.                             16E16--Grey  Store:
                S1:I  m                                          BUCC
                Ben jemin  K.

                1878-1948                   . .                  aged  6  usekg
                r.  1.  p.            - -        (s)             beloved  scn  of
                Florence  Louise                                1:elson  T.  Bugg
                born  Lug.  16,  1622  .                         and                         .  .
                                                                 Irene K.  Lalonde
                died  Mar.  3.  1934                                        ..--
                                                                16El6--Keised  Grey  Crhnite  Plhque:
                           ---                                  VfYh'U
                                                                 Joseph E.  Maheu
                1~20--Grcp Srpund Plaques:                       1884-1972
                Cecilla  Bo;kins                                husbend  of
                June  12,  197?
                16'ElQ  ---                                     Luniice  Baker
                J6seith Lacroix                                  tbeir  son Alfred#
                1871-1943                                       1528-1952
                16E18--Grey  Stone :  .  .                      #elso  Rsised  Cround  Plhque:
               HO C1:EN                                         4.lfred P.  Leheu                   -
               William  Hocken              -- (NI              Frivete
                1863-1932                        - ..           PPCLl
                his wife                                        18 Aug.  1952 -  sec  23
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