Page 7 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 7
Richard Murphy (oontinued) 2E16 and l?--Grey Stone with C~o9s:
boro at Fort biagara Am Iii
in year 1W1 in memory of
died et Kldland filphonse J. P~pin
Aug. 4, 1606 1868-1936
aged 65 pars beloved husbsnd of .
4 months and 16 deys b!elvina Bohrrie
L'ergkret Robinson beloved ~ife Of
hi6 wife Alphonse Upin
born at Pezeta- gulehene 1843 died Dec. 13, 1908
died et Toronto sged 48 pare
Sept. 21, 1908
"thy will be done" . . "mey the eouls of the departed
Fora rurphy through the mercy of Wd,
wife af rest in peece"
2E16--Ground Level Grey Stone plaque:
1e74-1943 Ildege J. 5ourrle
beloved wife of 1867-1552
Frencis 1:noa beloved husband of
Reynolde Khry St. Jsiend
1862-1950 - 1871-1570
~ ~
May 15, 1856- 2E14--Individual Grouod Plaques:
Sept. 14, 1547 Mc GMTH
Jane Murphy EZward Earl
April 9, 1834 19OC-1940
hpr. 22nd, 1949 . Louiee Smith
Ella Murphy 186s-1550
wife of Ko ther
George hyera Hugh l.;cGrath
1874-1950 1866-1950
Jaine s (El Fether
Kontgcmery A. Beetrice
Mcirphy lS04-1975
born July 14, 1867
died Oot. 6. 1928 2E12--Ground Plaque:
Joseph H'ILSC?:
1865-1913 Douglas A. Wileon -
Edi th Murphy . 19OC-1564
died 1952 beloved husband of
wife of Km. J. Smith Lllien F. Brodeur .
Clera b!urphy
wife of Reriry F. Berthelmes
- - - UdLESS
1877-1953 2E12--Raised Red Stone Cround Fleque:
2E18--6lack Stone . . - in icemory of
VAN LWdN J. Herbert Lawless
Willis L. Ànnie E. 1903-1950
1892-1968 1892-1966 beloved husband of
dsdichted by Edna M. Frodeur
sons and daughtere
Willie Odeanna
Donald Kildred
Kelson Leone
Cerald Alma
?On Eternel Vacation"