Page 6 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 6
lEll--Grey Stone Crase: - 1ElO--%in Grey Stanes:
Ha riain Ray T.
died Dac. 10, 1908 omn ai
rged 24 yesre L. & E. J. Girard
Uica died Nar. 17, 189s
died Juna 4. 1908 aga 4 yrs. 4 menths
aged 12 yeaie Girard, Arthur Gt
Jahn K. Dan ai
died July20, 1692 L. k L. J. Girrrd
--- rgs 3 deys
sged 2 yeare dled April 2, 1900
1Ell--Grey Stana: ---
KL'IXEDY 2El0 and ll--Red Stera rith Cross:
David Kennedy Y aDEW.OTT
occidentelly killad Mrry, wlfe ai JeZn VcCar~~rtt, Sr.
et 'ïhcreld died hpril 19, Fe92-agad 76 yre.
K~rch Srà, 1924 ABguo, their ean,
--- *raquiescaat in pavaw
oged 38 years die6 Kar. 9, 1900-sg8d 53 years
1El2--Gray Stem rith US: John in~sDeraatt, Jr.
"Our Plt" died Fab. 1, 1914, aged 74 yeprs
EKÏt IGRT Miehael McPeske (w)
Mrry Theresa 1672-1967
dau. of Krrg Dutten
John & Luoy Enright 1886-1967
borc April 8, 190s Cs therior YcDarmatt Dutten
--- nlsa a sen (SI
died Mar. 26, 1910 . died April 24, 1P27-aged 7C Jeers .
1Ell--Grey Stone: Eeward Estan Duttmn .
CLOUTIER d. Ysr. 1, 1942-sged 56 yrs.
Cleutier, Strn18lous bio rifa
died Keven5er 10, 1910 Bllen Blair
rge 61 yeare . .. 1888-19 67
Krry Brunella their sen Blair
dird Dee. 2, 1907 1911-1967
age 58 Allen Duttan
Llr thilde Sanaartier 1948-1Ç68
died June 21. 1887
age 41 years 2~2C-- Grey Stone:
wiie ai ~tanis!au'b Clautier EDGAR
Albertine Clautier Lee I!, Edgar
died Kcv. 3, 1692 1904-1960
aga 4 nths. beloved husbrnd af .
ii- Croce E. LpZonda
1R10--Cround Level Red Stone:
BLkFrIAULT wreet in percew .
David Sr. David
1901-1945 1951-1946 2E19 and 2C-;Red Stone with Cross:
la laving memary of
Riehrrd h!urphy