Page 384 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1956-57
P. 384

362                              MINES

              Il n'y a a,uoune prodllol.ion de fer en  No pig iron is produced lU the Province
            gueuse dans la, provinc.l? de Québec; on re-  of Quebe<.~; on t1w othel' Iw.nd, tberc il; :~
            marque, par uilleurB, une légère produc.l.ion  amn!l produel.ion of stnnl i ngots and 00,8\-
            rie lingots d'Boier et de fonte.     ings.
              21-Productlon canadienne, Importations et exportations de fer en aueuae
                     21-Canadlan Production, Importe and Exporta of Pill Iron

                                            Importatlo_lmpol1a    Ezporl.lllolle'-Elporl.l
                   -           PToduotioD  QuaDt\t6   V.leur    Quao~lt6    Valeur
                 YEARB                       -         -          -          -
            --                             Quantity    VlÙue    Quantlty    VoJue
                             Tonne_TOM   TODn_ToM       •      Tonnee-Tana    1
             1026-20 .... .........  030.8(10  37,620  662,223    4.166      70.~26
             1930-:14... .... .....  436.330  7.881   129,730     fi ,~43    09,300
            1036.. , •...............  671,8(10  0,0110  143,726  Ift,410   287,396
            1036................ , .•  760,6111  4,43~  74 .689  16,672     304 ,~82
            11137...................  1,006,718  7,136  144,364  43,138     861.701
            11138....•........  700.078     2,377      62.404    11.811     224,201
            1939.............. :::: :  846.418  667    16.176    12,016     221.787
            1040......... ....  1.3nll ,000  29,703   672,480     4.113     101,126
            1941. ......•........•..  1,628.063  4.729  131.112    380       10.000
            11142.............•.....  1, 076 .014  1,63~  42.718   427       12.176
            1M3 .... " ..•..........  1.768,269  7.118  173.6118   438       11,1(l,'J
            11144 .... " ............ ,  1.862,~28  8,616  236,666  6.608   128,681
            IIH6...•..•............  1.777.049  7.680  231.002   21,864     403,160
            1046..... , .•.•.........  1,40~,262  12.126  344 ,620  039      23,673
            1047......•...•.•......  1,062.848  8,803  262,054    1,476      66.610
            1948............. , ....  2.126,730  7,378  233,223    6112      29,226
            1040............. , .....  2,164 ,486  20.631  036,311  12.606  647,063
            1950.............  2,317,121   20,628    1,116,387  ID 1.528   8,367.046
            1061. ................••  2.662.R03  22,126  1,000.016  22~,(l,'J5  12,303.670
            1052................ ...  2.681.686  1,005  09,215  37;, .087  10,167,532
            106:1.... ........ .. .. ..  3.0l2,268  25,484  l ,2~ü,440  :1-1".·1\;'  16,084.267
            19:;4....... ...... ....  ~ .211.029  20.00V  \ .1l1·1.0.56  til~ ,l1I):j  10.021.672
            19".5........•..•. ,. ....  3.215.307  1'1.018  9SII.n;'7  2;,·1.472  13.272, [j:J"
                 22-Productlon de lingots d'acier et de fonte, Canada, par provinces
                 22-Productlon of Steel Inllota and Steel Caatin1l8, Canada, by Provinces
              ANNf;ES            N.•tcos80                                  Col. BriL.
                -      CANADA      -      Qu6beo   Ontario  Manitoba  Alb<rlll  -
              YEARS             NOVA Scotla                                  Bril. Col.
                         Lonn..   tOllD6a  tonnes  tonnes   tonootl  tonnce   tonne.
                          -        -        -       -        -        -        -
                         ~OlUl    tOIl8    Ions     tonl!    Lons    tons     toile
            M oy.-Avé.
             11l2f>-20 ......  1.131.077  3."7,1103  26.893  718.2t13  27.nR4  369  608
             19:JO·34...  ..  714,280  200,1;)78  32.855  .1511,862  12.\) (1  3,030  1100
            036..........•.  \.054,500  334.621  39.285  660.305  18,2Qo1.  414  1,680
            11136......... , ..  \. 240,6n  424,600  44,567  756.ll0a  21,603  305  1.804
            037............  1.571.227  478.356  B8.113  004.155  27,<lRO  402  2,421
            1038............  1.293.RI2  3711 .090  M,Ml!  8:16,585  20.256  419  2.80li
            1030............  1,551,054  451.314  66,702  1,014,003  25.043  445  3.547
            1940............ 2.253. 7~0  ~23,021  7B,a31  1.512.406  39,780  381  4.462
            1941............  2.712,151  6~1:1.203  138.721  1.872.:Hf,  64.489  7,400  6,003
            1042...........  3,100,851  637 ,1m3  180,037  2.207.208  55,067  22.204  ~.682
            1943.......•... ' 3,004 ,12~  676.578  157.662  2,182.3(}2  06.555  22,217  9,310
            1944 .... ........ 3,016.162  678.346  117.f>,18  2,253,685  42.1411  18.086  6,260
            1045............  2,877 .027  500,365  108.770  2,11'6.066  44,284  13,156  5.277
            M6............  2,327.285  426,1103  63,703  1,781,701  52,064  430  3.464
            1047............ 2,LHt;.052  653,377  67,540  2,263,8.51  55.367  015  6,1110
            1048............  3,200,480  626.004  73,681  2,436,050  59,084  397  4,064
            1049............  3,100,'377  672.807  73.002  2,365 ,201  60,079  373  18,825
            1060............ 3,383,675  685,4BO  71,631  2,626.770  69,407  723  20,604
            1061. ........... 3.608,720  700.451  120,310  2,6111,072  78.666  1,037  40.184
            1952............  3,703,111  040,350  122,627  2, BOl, 706  81i.213  1,574  42.632
            0.53...........  4,116,01l8  1138,097  97,,\,:'0  3,2ti3,633  76,180  0\)9  40,009
            1054 .... ' .. , ..  li, 10~,030  d(j~,fl\H  84,777  2,&30,052  û5,912  670  44,110
            1055............ 4.r.34,672  il33.MO  09,122  :1,716.833  84,055  G,042  40,280
             80\11'<:6: L' Il1d...tri. d.. pr·oduil. ll'rimaires du !'" d  Bource: TI,. Primarv ITon Cl/.d Stetl I...d"'3ITlI, OI·t.l1wa.
            do 1·""'.... Otlllwn.
   379   380   381   382   383   384   385   386   387   388   389