Page 250 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1956-57
P. 250


                    4-FINANCES SCOLAIRES                  4-SCHOOL FINANCES
             Les contribuables, avec l'appui financier  The (;ust of eductü.ioll ie burn by thf'
            du gouvernement, pourvoient Il l'entretien  rat.l'-payera with the hclp of t.he Govern-
            de lours 6cole~.  Les rPvenus nëcessités piU  men ("  The  necesaary  revenue  for  the
            l'admini.-tmtion proviennent de la taxe im-  IDltint.enan(;c of schuol:'l is produced by a
            posée SUI' les uiells-fonds de l'L municip:l,1ité,
                                                 (aX upon the immuvaules of the munici-
            de la rétribution mensupl]C, nxigiblo pour tout
                                                 pality, the mouthly cO[ltl'ibutiou for cach
            enfant d'âge scolairc PL de certaines contri-
            butions ou tnxes sp<;cinJm;.  Le8 octrois ac-  child of llchool nge lwd certain  COll tribu-
            cordés  PfU ln. Légi lature contribuent au  tioua  01' special taxes.  Tbe grant.~ given
            maintien de<l écoles primaire  t  by th~ Legislature help to Jnlûnt.ain prim:uy
            l'enseignement F.upérieul' et technique.  Ln!;  Mchools and higher and technical education.
            commissiuns sl'lolaires pauvre.~ rcçoiveut des  ~eedy munilJÎpalit.ies nre given additioll>\1
            subven Lions ~ddi tiounclles.        subsidies.
             Le taux de la taxe scolaire, par eent dol-  The rato o[ the schuol  (.UX, pel' bundred
            lars, varie d'uue municipalité à l'autre selon  dollars, varies with t.hfl dilYercnt lllunici-
            les exigences ou la richesse immobiliùre des  pnlities, according to requirclllents or the
            résidenL~; il peut dépasser trois dollars dans  landed wealth of the residents, nmounting
            certail1<l nrrondisscmentll et n'û(.re qu'une  ta more than three dollars in sorne disLI'iets
            légère fraction de dollar ailleurs.  and only a fraction of a dollar elsewhen'.

           14-Auiette de l'Impôt Scoiaire (CB~holique8 et Protestanh)-VBleur de. Bielu-
                                        fond8 Imposable8
            14-Bui8 for School Taxation (Catholic8 and Prote8tanh)-Value of Taxable
                                          Real Estate

                                              PROV1MCIl             CM'l\e--Cl':I'J ES
                 -            Total     Individua  Compagnio.  Individu.  CompaKnlea
                YEAns                     -           -          -           -
                                       Individuel.  Companle.  lodlvidual.  Companl••
                               a           •          II           $         $
           1916-46.............  2.447,175,148  1.508,704 .7.~2  840,070.300  933,318,331  642,136.928
           1041>47 ....... " ...  2.615.800,461  1,060. Gill. 558  859 . 114 .89a  962.082.662  648,550,008
           1047-48         2,629,8115.899  1, 766, 703.276  874. 162.024  1,001.082,686  652.491),816
           1048-40. : : : :: ::: : .. :  2,630.n5.172  1,876,008.5Jj6  054.136.617  1.085 .889 .0{l0  703.714 ,676
           1040-60..........  3,041.773,914  2,036.212,087  1,005,.561.827  1, 187.335,859  737,520,421
           1960-Jjl ........... ::  a, 240. 772.680  2,202,698.21)7  1.03B.074.432  1,237.108.287  750,288.680
           IOJjI-.52.............  :1. MO. 21l7. 963  2.395.050.161  1.161, 157.792  1,380.066.204  854 ,971, 077
           1062...'i3.............  3 .86G .220 .684  2.624 ,U50 .821  1,2·10.578.863  1.&43.B77.Z79  000.661, 783
           1053-54...... , .... ..  4,067,287.000  2.780,878.000  1,286,100,000  1,017.004 ,000  044.893,000
           1964·65.............  4.a77.007.~r.o  2.080.353,6'19  1,388,263.717  1.738.3/18.203  1.001.283 .856
           195G-61l.• ..........  4 1'>3.544.000  .'1.270 .l:!54 .000  1.4l!1. 090 .000  1.929.321.UOO
                                                               AlJTR&S Q'(I"UR6,AINEB
                                   VILLll...-1'OWN9                  -
                ANN';:E8                                       OTRI:Ll Tf1 AN 'ORAAN
                YEAR8         Individu9     Comp"gnie.     Individus     CompaKoi..
                                -              -             -              -
                              IndividusJ.   Compaoies      Individu"l.   Compaoie•
                                 •             li             $             $
           1046-46......... .....  160.863.131  134,122.736  498. so.1 .2110  72.810,782
           1046-17......... .....  100.1iHO,663  135,067,809  602.71B.443  74.896.116
           1947-48..... , ... .....  201,828.616  142.000,426  662, 79Z, 074  78.766.383
           ]048-40.........   241,025,961   167,450.048   649.IB3.~14     82.1132,2114
           1049-60.......... :::: :  206.4\15.228  170.031,744  Jj82 .881,000  89,000,662
           JO,;0-51 ...... , .•.....•  316,<105.009  ISO, 200.903  649.08'1,\101  10l ,624 ,840
           1051-62........    337,833.S.H   100.070.060   671,161.026    100.116,7511
           Il).'j2-.'3......... : :: : ..  3Bl.311i.54Z  221,148,012  BOO ,428.000  109, 76B, IG8
           1l).~3-S4 ...............  437 ,l!I4 .000  231,007,000  725,72U.000  110.449,000
           1954-55...............  476.079.183  206.4112,406  775.006,173  120.477 ,456
           1955-66...............  546.431.000  274 .5!H}. 000  71)5.102.000  122,019.000
             Source:  EtiJt  financier  ete.  (:or1UJration.  IIcoklirea,  Source:  F-inanciQ~ 8tatemen  Sohool Co'poralw....
           Qudbeo.                              Quebeo.
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